
主题:【原创】围绕脑科学而发生的若干玄想 -- 鸿乾

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"类比和联想的神经基础", & "量子力学的心脏”

first of all, I like your this post so much, thanks. it is very helpful, making me keep coming back, again, the great global internet, needless to say further, then we have TG's GFW;


now, before going into prof 张永德's "量子力学的心脏” (which carries a lot of 类比和联想 vs your 神经基础" as "智能的最基础的属性和特征"). let's get TG out of way.

ccthere.com used to be very diversified with a lot of excellent science (generally speaking, including things like AI) posts, not anymore, likely because of this Chinese blood fueled TG fans syndrome going on all over the place, as we all know, and in general Chinese wants to see a strong and prosperous china coming out of pacific, the so called china dream. Now, X has taken over, a historical juncture, people got excited. big sentiments improve, boy, sell them something(:).

I think I have written about TG's long term political and economic picture fairly "objectively" from physics point view in my recent post, yes, an individual's wild guess of something big such as TG, OMG;

still, TG will be here with us for long long time, more likely in working closely with MD together (surprised (:)?), and as I said, nobody knows when looking back in future, TG=a good or a bad thing to the Chinese nation, it's beyond any individual or organization's ability. so arguing that type of questions=waste of time, for most average individuals.

do you have time to waste?


what we do know fairly well is GFW, and as I wrote quite bit about it, it is a physics reality, it is also a financial opportunity, such as various financial arbitrage in & out of GFW, because it is an information/logic gap, between US (and others) and china, and we all know, huge amount of money activities across GFW, all kinds of it, daily.

so, what is point? the point is if there is an 100 USD clean money on the ground "carelessly" dropped by GFW, are you going to pick it up and throw it into your own pocket?

how about those opportunities of $1k, $2k USD, etc?

basically, X redgen II: no poltical 體制改革 (TG actually get squeezed by MD politically, global & domestic, likely more to come), but pushing urbanization forward to keep money tree growing higher in china garden (to keep game going and to seduce uncle sam's wall street folks), big time;

with that, 體制套利 becomes global across GFW, for TG & MD senior insiders, for Chinese TG ass kissing BAT internet elite, they got their their way of making big money too, obviously, and for many other WS folks, play "估值套利,成交套利, IPO 套利 " etc, across GFW;

now, where all these 利 comes from? as I posted before, X dynasty macro trade fundamentally is a trade of short the 7億 Chinese farmers, would you, chairman X?(:)

just do it, baby(:).

as to 防空識別區 BS, just a fake political 烟幕弹, but a real military budget and all the beautiful goodies for PLA, can TG afford making PLA not happy at all?

in terms of physics, you would need a huge amount of energy to change all these macroscopic paths of US TG system, where and how to get that kind of energy?

if you don't have enough energy (位能= twice of 動能 for a sytem, normally)to change it, then respect 惯性, and I would think, that as smart as TG is, TG would have figured these thing all out already: uncle sam's garden, global, well diversified, stable, vs TGchina: 有序参量=1, actually highly unstable, subject to any local 量子事件 induced 相變 at system level, QFT model can't really produce numbers, we are in this social science across GR time space. BUT QFT does produce tons of uncertainties, for TG at the top of the curve, those many of uncertainties are all pointing downward, is that scary?

But, obviously, uncle sam's national team of all kinds of brains are working on it, putting a little fire here and there, once a while, making X redgen II hard to sleep well at night because of those damned but never go away bad dream of 量子事件, etc.

so, what to do? make money in china garden, and use branches off china money tree to stick into the ass of uncle sam(:).

uncle sam: well, that is a little bit of pain & bloody, in terms of white trash unemployment, but short term, it may not be a bad deal, our boys got big money from china.

money never smells, and donate some to uncle sam political elite, did US supreme court just ok that?



first of all, this is not easy stuff, how difficult and how beautiful 量子力学 is, you can only know after you have learned it, worked at least on some real life 量子力学 apps, and still, learning and understanding it is a forever journey.

now, some rough analogies:


经典力学中,Maxwell方程和Lorentz力公式都是用场强 ( 场强 is always local, or generally speaking, classical physics law are all local, 智能 obviously is not local, TG is definitely not local(:), kind of why TG is super smart(:)) 表达的。

actually, SR itself is still local or 经典, QFT kind of global, SR version of 量子力学, all because of Dirac's famous equation.

(extra "juice": in that sense, TG is very smart, now, how about uncle sam? the two smartest person in the world, are they going to kill each other (small probability, TG work hard to keep it that way, how? get uncle sam's businessmen coming into TG's china garden, treat them well, for example) or working together in some form?)

this corresponds to


I posted that semicomductor is still a macroscopic (kind of 经典物理) material & energy transfer done by classicl 電子, with a 量子化的 声子 field and interactions of 电子声子 working in the background, kind of, so semiconductor as we know today, cannot give us a 量子 computer. for a 量子 computer, we need to have 电子 work in "qm wave" form, not the classical 电子 as it is working now in semiconductor, producing all kinds of 电子 computer.

once 电子 start working in some kind of "qm wave" form in room temperature, etc, it will have quite bit of AI capability to pop out.etc. again, this is because a 电子 working as "qm wave" can be global, obtaining some kind of organization power, the way TG does

(extra juice: TG will never share power with any other Chinese elite, whatsoever whomsoever, fxxk u, if u dare to dream that way, baby, and pls respect uncle TG's privacy(:))

before that, as you said very well:


we all know without x-ray, there would be no DNA, period.


without going into specifics, one way to imagine the "AI" 电子:


ok, focus on the following:

blabla, "这个相因子存在表明,即使粒子路径限制在磁场强度为零的区域,粒子不受定域的动力学作用,但电磁势(沿粒子路径的路径相关积分)仍会影响到粒子的位相"

磁场强度为零, game over, according classical 电磁场 physics, kind of, roughly speaking.

but in this "AB效应" thing, somekind of global 电磁势(沿粒子路径的路径相关积分)can still keep the game going, even local 磁场强度为零;

needless to say, if "AB效应" (already observed in lab long time ago, first in japan?) can work its way into computer, then we could have all kinds of potential apps coming out.

of course, "AB效应", 規範場, etc, physics got a long way to go in that direction, in terms of theories, tons of challenges, such as 拓扑, bordering into Riemann geometry /GR area, etc. a very promising field, waiting for smart folks to dig gold out of it.


so, what is fxxking points? where to get my $1k USD?

as I wrote zillions time before, it is all about modeling, about using right logical model in analyzing and hopefully solving real time problems, regardless of what you actually do, do you have to wait until QM computer and GOOG AI robots coming out on sale at discount, with a many Chinese 山寨機 all over the 3rd world?(:)

does that make sense?

unless, you are very close to TG top tier elite, then life is beautiful for many years to come, just enjoy it while still alive, why fxxking working at all(:)?


但是,1959年Aharonov和Bohm提出, 在量子力学中,在某些电磁过程中,具有局域性质(因为是关于空间坐标的微商)的电磁场场强不能有效地描述带电粒子的量子行为,电磁势有直接可观测的物理效应。下面只对磁A-B效应作一简明分析。电磁AB效应的推广和进一步讨论详见文献张永德.量子力学.北京: 科学出版社,2010,第9章..


Young氏双缝实验能够做成功,必定要求两缝处电子波函数的初始位相差是固定的。不失一般性,假设初始位相差为零,将两缝合并成为A点,简化成图1.6(b)。通电之前,p22μφ0(r)=Eφ0(r), φ0(rt)=φ0(r)e-iEt/c点的合振幅为f(0)c=f(0)1(c)+f(0)2(c)。通电之后p→p-ecA。于是12μp-ecA2φ(r)=Eφ(r)

φ(r,t)=φ(r)e-iEt/直接验算即知,此方程的解为φ(r)=ei ec∫rAA(r′)·dr′φ0(r)注意,这里的相因子在B≠0的区域与路径有关(不仅与两端点有关),因而是不可积的;只在B=0的区域与路径无关(这正说明,磁场毕竟是一种物理的实在,不能通过数学变换将其完全转化为纯粹相因子).

图 1.6





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原创】近代自然科学禀性探讨(一) [ witten1 ] 于:2013-08-06 13:05:05 主题帖





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