
主题:【原创】围绕脑科学而发生的若干玄想 -- 鸿乾

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自然语言: 熱輻射, 腦殘 risk


this is a good book, thanks, and I will read it.

"From Pythagoras's harmonic sequence to Einstein's theory of relativity, geometric models of position, proximity, ratio, and the underlying properties of physical space have provided us with powerful ideas and accurate scientific tools. Currently, similar geometric models are being applied to another type of space—the conceptual space of information and meaning, where the contributions of Pythagoras and Einstein are a part of the landscape itself. The rich geometry of conceptual space can be glimpsed, for instance, in internet documents: while the documents themselves define a structure of visual layouts and point-to-point links, search engines create an additional structure by matching keywords to nearby documents in a spatial arrangement of content. What the Geometry of Meaning provides is a much-needed exploration of computational techniques to represent meaning and of the conceptual spaces on which these representations are founded."


remember "Erik Verlinde"? we talked about him and that young Harvard physics guy's AI app based on Verlinde model.

roughly speaking with a lot of analogies, 引力 is interaction force, but it is very hard to measure or quantize 引力 or 引力量子化 in more physics oriented terminology. 引力质量和惯性质量相等, locally, you can't tell the difference between the two.


what all these have to do with my brain?

as posted, human brain out of its survival and growth instinct in interacting with unknown heat bath("阶级斗争"強耦合 field) surrounding him, quantum brain has to perform this Feynman路径积分, again, this is the only model humanity understands in terms of QFT;

now, 引力质量和惯性质量相等 (an analogy, QFT excluding GR), locally, and I am locally all the time (vs us wall street and Chinese TG kind of organized global view/modeling), how my brain can do its job? it can't, then we get emotional, our expectations get hit by hard reality, broken brain, broken heart, omg, end of world, or a stone brain from here into a grave, as chairman mao said, he is a smart guy, he sees most people around him (such as vice chairman Liu(:))with actually stone brain.


Erik Verlinde's 引力的熵力假说


why "阶级斗争"? why not united under chairman mao and we together fight heat bath (unknown challenges facing humanity in an analogy, such as what the heck is going on with 牛顿的水桶, which humanity still can't figure it out yet), then we all go into communist heaven world?

there is no chairman mao anymore, first of all;

secondly, humanity has come to some kind of consensus (more outside of china, and china is slowly catching up with white in terms of "logic gap") that we have to perform a civilized "阶级斗争" peacefully among ourselves in modeling this heat bath challenge, etc.

kind of like 牛顿的水桶:

水桶 is 轉動, but relative to what? relative to heat bath? then how to measure & model heat bath?

one way is to measure 水桶轉動 itself, and hopefully, we can derive 引力/heatbath via derivatives (2nd order modeling etc) of 水桶轉動


civilized "阶级斗争" peacefully among ourselves 逻辑实证證偽=basically the whites market system and 人權

政黨競爭,etc, a messy (in terms of its productivity and etc) 公知 model, vs china's 伟光正 model.

basically, it is a 牛顿水桶轉動 "game" in a social science setting, shall we as a humanity pick some 伟光正 group an judge of this entire humanity game of survival and growth?

that said, TG's model(no choice anyway) is likely to work out in china's gdp growth oriented economy, since it is basically 山寨 white from behind in almost every major area of its economy, a much easier challenge to handle.

in terms of Erik Verlinde's 引力的熵力假说, we have to come back to our 熱力熵力 model to gauge 引力 or new information.


the bloody cost of 熱輻射

in an analogy, human brain "神经元弹簧" struggles like a snake in this social 引力 field, for his or her survival and growth, as an individual (mostly unorganized, even in china, if you are not part of TG-centered elite, which is always a tiny minority), then most likely your "神经元弹簧" will be losing its battle vs heatbath 熱輻射, eventually stop working, giving up, go to a temple and work on 氣功 stuff;

and biologically, most people die this way anyway, in their short life on earth.


without going into specifics of physics terms and models, what we can learn from Erik Verlinde's 引力的熵力假说 is actually very basic but very important, often very alarming:

自然语言: 熱輻射, 腦殘 risk, if not modelled well, and heat 传播 is super fast, soft 自然语言 can 爆 your ass (if lucky) and brain (very bad,omg), all legal to the profit collectors or market makers.

and in TG's terms, 利用小说进行反党 是一大发明 鄭大你的眼睛, plain vanilla "logic", but often in a very twisted Chinese local settings, much more twisted than us wall street market place.

Erik Verlinde's 引力的熵力假说 is still a 假说, meaning it is only a 逻辑 model, there is no 实证 yet;

with that comes big smiling faces of us wall street, and Chinese TG: 利用小说进行反党 是一大发明 as a business still commands a fat profit margin, long way to go, just do it, why not? (:)


with all that and in the "final" analysis, humanity as a system has to come back to its roots in

"科学 = 逻辑 + 实证"


科学 = 逻辑 + 实证 [ Solitude ]




again, can humanity afford going away from that model, in physical science in particular, in humanity and society in general?

there is no alternative yet.


the beautify of Feynman 路徑積分 again

"经典的状态其实对应的是量子态空间的一组基, 量子事件通常被说成是在这些点处插入顶点算子,这些顶点算子诱导了量子场的激发和退激,物理上要考虑这些量子事件的关联,也就是说这些事件背后有没有什么物理的或者动力学的原因"

again, in an analogy, 顶点算子 in a dissipative system (耗散系统, physics can't handle that yet) could be even more dramatic in terms of its impact on the system itself, think about 愛因斯坦 and 希特勒 as some kind of 量子事件/顶点算子 on the border of an otherwise fairly classical human system;

and I would think that humanity system now is solid enough to prevent 希特勒 kind of 顶点算子 to come to power and to change the path of humanity as a whole;

but, we don't really have a system to produce 愛因斯坦 type 顶点算子 yet;

this is kind of physics of white's 天賦人權 model: other than humanity reasons, there may be physics reason as well: we expect your child to out perform in whatever field fitting him/her, let her fly and shine, it will benefit all of us, eventually, including your small Chinese family organization.

we hope him or her to be an 愛因斯坦 type 顶点算子 to help humanity move forward.

that is why I said a couple of times here. if possible, let your children start studying English and quantum physics, starting yesterday, better in US or Europe, period, get it, baby?(:)


witten1 [转载]牛顿的水桶1687-2011 - 西西河



主题帖:changshou:牛顿定律到底说的是什么?(0) 2013-06-17 19:53:43 ... witten1 [转载]牛顿的水桶1687-2011 [ 晓兵 ] 于:2013-06-17 19:53:43 复:3887684. "力= 亚里士多德潜能向现实/ ... http://www.ccthere.com/article/3641579. 回复花↑宝推 ...

2.5 传播子和Feynman路径积分_百度文库




2012年7月13日 - 2.5 传播子和Feynman路径积分一、波动力学的传播子? 时间无关的Haniltonian量体系的时间演化用与H对易的观测量的本征矢展开初态可方便求 ...


引力的熵力假说- 维基百科,自由的百科全书



这一想法的起源可以追溯到20世纪70年代中叶雅各布·贝肯斯坦(Jacob Bekenstein)和史蒂芬·霍金对于黑洞热力学的研究。这些研究发现,引力与热力学基本定律间 ...




来自: 若水龙吟 2010-08-09 00:52:19


据纽约时报2010年7月12日报导,阿姆斯特丹大学理论物理学院埃里克.弗林德教授(Erik Verlinde)提出引力新理论,认为引力不过是物理学中热力学定律的必然结果。




弗林德教授的理论在物理学家中激起了强烈的反响。哈佛大学弦论学家安德鲁.斯特罗明格(Andrew Strominger)说:“有些人说这不可能是正确的,其他人则认为这是对的,我们已经知道它---它正确而深刻,正确而平凡。”“你不得不承认,”他接着说,“它启发了很多有趣的讨论。这是一个很有趣的想法集合,它点到了宇宙中我们最不了解的事情。这就是为什么我喜欢它。”




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