
主题:【原创】围绕脑科学而发生的若干玄想 -- 鸿乾

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well said, and I am going to put physics/math behind it.

again, rough analogy, conceptual, to hit the points, we are talking about social science anyway(:).


记忆/理解=basically 度规矩阵張量超曲面 in 广义相对论的时空

or else humanity will be totally lost, and to this day, GR is still the only model when humanity dealing with 天体宇宙, GR=实证科学, although things like dark matter/energy/black hole =still largely unknown heat bath, torturing humanity as on its journey to find a new home somewhere in the unknown heat bath, before sun burns out, if not sooner.

changshou:几何直观地介绍广义相对论的时空以及大爆炸模型 (0) 2013-07-03 19:23:56

a very good series



柯西超曲面,"全局双曲的时空 存在整体的坐标时间" [ 晓兵 ] 于:2013-07-03 19:23:56 复:3674028

物理"因果结构存在"=柯西超曲面=全局双曲的时空 存在整体的坐标时间"

"如果有一个 这样的整体的坐标时间 我们就有无穷多的其他的 整体的坐标时间。这是因为我们可以把观察者们的世界线 作连续的形变(只要形变幅度不大 就仍然是类时的)。

这类时空 有整体的坐标时间和 对应于(该坐标时间的)某一时刻的空间部分(柯西超曲面)。于是 我们可以说 全局双曲的时空是 柯西超曲面随坐标时间演化而成的。"

"From Pythagoras's harmonic sequence to Einstein's theory of relativity, geometric models of position, proximity, ratio, and the underlying properties of physical space have provided us with powerful ideas and accurate scientific tools. Currently, similar geometric models are being applied to another type of space—the conceptual space of information and meaning, where the contributions of Pythagoras and Einstein are a part of the landscape itself. The rich geometry of conceptual space can be glimpsed, for instance, in internet documents: while the documents themselves define a structure of visual layouts and point-to-point links, search engines create an additional structure by matching keywords to nearby documents in a spatial arrangement of content. What the Geometry of Meaning provides is a much-needed exploration of computational techniques to represent meaning and of the conceptual spaces on which these representations are founded."


in Riemann/GR geometry, 超曲面 is roughly something similar to a 平面波 like/Pythagoras's harmonic sequence, a concept in 欧几里德的几何


"科学 = 逻辑 + 实证", I quoted it many times, I hope this concept finds its way into Chinese young generation's mind, particularly those behind GFW. sorry, uncle TG(:).

科学 = 逻辑 + 实证 [ Solitude ]




and to this day, humanity 's 度规矩阵張量超曲面 is still fundamentally "linear" in terms of in its 欧几里德几何 conceptual core, but modified mathematically to 度规 广义相对论的时空.

in that sense, humanity has barely progressed considering 欧几里德几何 was formulated by those great greek thinkers about 2k years ago?

what a world, no wonder so many organized arbitrage traders are fooling around, making money everywhere they go.

now back to physics, other than GR, there is no 彎曲时空, QFT is still a SR story, period. 1 reason is 欧几里德几何 can't handle non-linear animal such as interaction between DOFs(degree of freedom), etc.

no wonder physicists can't get top government jobs, folks can't handle 彎曲时空(:). what did chairman mao say about them(:)?

No wonder X redgen II don't give a shit to 两弹一星 gen II, why bother?(:)

back to earth, we have 平面波 as brain washing physics tool all over the place, 在遠場區域,平面波模型是一種表示電磁場傳播的很好的近似模型.

and in quantum physics, 平面波展開法計算晶體的能帶結構, K-space 解Maxwell. eq., etc.

and by the way, what is missing and lacking in Chinese physics education is this white's 分析(演绎)逻辑 core, without that, you never really understand white's physics, period. then 山寨 white, forever.

but if you teach college students about this white's 分析(演绎)逻辑 core, what about TG's core of whatever, if anybody can articulate it out at all, other than 星辰大海 emotion invoking slogans.

think about 中央电视台 in TG's beautiful garden called china, think about wall street engineered financial heaven stories sold to market place, don't miss it baby, the only stock to make you become a rich man, etc

平面波, 藍天白雲, we are going to lead humanity into 星辰大海 under our dear TG leadership, for that greatest thing, 生的伟大, 死的光荣 (now days more of sweat shop thing), go ahead and jump, baby, you will be remembered(:)


非游離輻射包含了近紫外線、紅外線、可見光、微波、射頻輻射、 ...... 在遠場區域,平面波模型是一種表示電磁場傳播的很好的近似模型

"Max Tegmark详细的讨论了什么叫做Integration(整体性)。在他看来,我们的世界是分层次的客体。比如说,你正在喝一杯冰水,你会感受到在玻 璃杯中有冰块。玻璃和冰块是分立的客体,因为它们都各自是一个整体且相对独立,它们内部的联系远远比与外部的联系紧密。我们可以定义物体的稳定性为集成温 度(把整体分离为部分所需的能量密度)和独立性温度(在层级内把母辈物体分离开所需的能量密度)之比。比如说,冰块的独立温度大概是3毫开,集成温度大概 是300开,稳定性是10^5。在下一级的结构中,氧原子和氢原子的稳定性都是10。氧原子核的稳定性是10^5。稳定性越高,这个物体越容易被我们感知和定义"

because of that, ordinary joe and jane and likely their children grown up with them, all like 可見光紅外線平面波, animals do that do, until 游離輻射 hits them bloodily from no where;

now days, 游離輻射 hit is mostly non-bloody, but organized arbitrage traders want to suck money out of joe's account, and sometime, youth/beauty out of jane's body, may be with a little piece of jane's heart as well, mostly in china, obviously.

again, if 願打願挨, why not? is it just a date, baby?(:)


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