
主题:【原创】围绕脑科学而发生的若干玄想 -- 鸿乾

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a note: once I see you comment, I googled ccthere.com 熊起, then it all popped out; then I thought, what happened to your brain (I often do stupid things too, volatility::)? is human brain that volatile, then I realized GFW, possibly.

I often hear some traders in mainland complaining about TG GFW, how can they not fall behind us/European traders?

what about other professionals in other areas? what about growing children?

what about Chinese companies trying to complete globally in this emerging global ecommerce?

what a world, when thinking of the huge number of Chinese population.

that is why I kind of think that white house is actually trying to keep TG as ruling elite in china as long as possible, white making TG look bad, to scare off those 新加坡 Taiwan young generation. baby, forget your Chinese blood based 跨年恋 idea with TG uncle. move on(:).





thanks, a very short and clear transmission of the 图灵机 concept.


now, I am going to comment it in my way, which has been like "that" for a while: financial modelling of uncle sam & TG, arbitrage any "logicl gap" as I see it, for profit, obviously, that is not me only, US wall street is doing it, TG senior traders are doing it too, with US wall street half transparent, & TG senior traders completely secret network based modeling & operation, I would think


for arbitrage, finding a "logic gap" is critical, or "value mispricing", because eventually, market will correct any significant "value mispricing", when heat noise subsides or 海水 of heat 褪去

so, heat noise/herd behavior is really what arbitrage folks try to suck money from


当温度升高时,分子的平动运动加快,Em增大,但平动能级的间距无穷小, basically, average/unorganized human individual brains are subject to 分子 level 熱輻射 physics law, and for an individual as I posted in the previous posts, there is really no model available for him to model his Feynman path integral brain information processing, but he has to, only to end up being taken advantage by organized arbitrage groups such us wall street and Chinese TG.

and at 分子 level, heat quantization is extremely difficult, if ever possible, giving any system level administrators a super advantage. because physics of heat at system level is like plain vanilla, although few really understands theory behind it. 黑體輻射, 空腔輻射能量分佈公式(黑體輻射), Einstein pioneered quantum physics started off there, basically.

as a disclaimer, I keep using Chinese TG often as an example, often in a negative way, not to offend anybody, and I actually think it would be helpful to TG fans, even to TG think tanks themselves, therefore beneficial to TG(:).


of course, at system level or once we have an some idea about what kind of heatbath surrounding our system, 分子 level 熱輻射 physics is a piece of cake;

that is why TG needs to defend GFW at whatever cost, "人只能记忆理解了的东西,没有纯的存储"

for average Chinese, their input as 纸带上的输入信息可以影响内态, and as long as GFW is there, in terms of macroscopic heat bath, TG can have a fairly good idea about this system level parameter in terms of heat bath surrounding Chinese average people's ideology formation and development.


as I posted, 纳米颗粒与生物大分子相互作用, 细胞具有微米(10-6m)量级的空间尺度, a lot of quantum working behind scene in our brain, body, or putting it another way, our brain has a lot of potential in terms of computing, and it is yet to be developed. penose in his "road to reality" commented about proven quantized 光子 interacting with our eyes, but our visual neural system and mind can only produce macroscopic image, even with quantum microscopic level of input and processing. for average joe and jane, it is all about 可見光紅外線, male more of 可見光, female more of 紅外線, and as a couple or family, they kind of set up a little organization to survive and grow in this otherwise brutal heat bath.

obviously, their 可見光紅外線 model has no real advantage over any other couples like them, they are all part of herds, to be fxxked by organized arbitrage traders, head & tail.


having said that, now I hope it is relatively easy to understand why TG can easily survive and grow at least 10-20 years, if not forever(:).

中国城镇化率51.27% 城镇人口6.9亿首超农村人口_新闻中心_中国网

2012年5月9日 - 中新社北京5月9日电(记者阮煜琳) 中国正经历着世界最大规模城镇化过程。2011年,中国城镇化率已经达到51.27%,城镇人口首次超过农村人口,

now, if nothing else, TG still has about 7 亿农村人口 as 乾電池(excuse me) to fuel china's GDP 7% growth, and I have posed about other macroscopic system level parameters, they all look good, for TG(:).

and we all know, since day 1, Mao's TG started and put together their first buck of gold by manipulating Chinese 农村人口, in that sense, TG's game is just half way through.

man, life is beautiful, isn't?(:)

only if you can figure it out.


now, aside from physics, is TG really a good thing or bad thing to Chinese nation as a whole in future history? I don't think anybody knows, or even cares.

I tend to think that at least, TG/China's economic power rising from nowhere at least slapped white's face, it is not detrimental, because TG's model will start to fade once its

7 亿农村人口 as 乾電池 runs out, TG's 關門打狗 (not negatively, convenient use)model: 門,打 will all be there, but where would be dogs?

for average particularly young US whites, they need to learn, and it seems they have not learned yet, if they can ever learn it, or just dropping into white trash pile, with no return.

but who cares? Indian guy is already MSFT CEO, uncle sam is evolving into a global system sucking intellectual capital, financial capital, labor capital from all over the world, and GOOG already said, its emerging AI robots will wipe out middle class anyway.


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