
主题:【原创】新年政治经济展望之六:货币体系(一) -- 井底望天

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--hehe. First, scare Japan and China into compliant dogs. Feed their elites into puppies.

--Kill Euro and Euroland.

--When it comes to finance, no nation can match the dream combination of Jew+Anglo-Saxon.

这好像和dream不dream的没什么关系,路人皆知这是对老美最有力的方案,老美也当然希望按此办理. 那其他国家有无可能不按犹太规则玩呢?比如说中国就是要操控汇率,就是不开放金融业;又或者萨克奇在上海确实在帮欧洲和中国套近乎呢? 日本凭什么明知美国的企图却不趁其虚弱而设法反抗?难道就凭大家都觉得英犹无敌就全主动缴枪,主动配合?

--US: 抢回来的大饼=huge. Thus everyone's life is much better. Why there is subprime crisis? why you can buy a big house without paying one penny of downpayment? Because capital is flowing from poor developing nations into US (weird, isn't it?) and makes the credit too easy to get before 2006.

--China: 抢回来的大饼=0 or negative, elites are best at sucking their compatriot's blood. Thus you have coalmine scandals, zero labor protection, slave labor, dirty cheap assembly plants in southern China.

美国,读起来有些矛盾,请解惑: 既然每个人生活都更好了,为什么美国人这么紧张,为什么有financial crisis, captal不是应该继续流进美国吗? 难道危机全是假的?

中国,原来联合国,世界银行都是骗子,关于中国的数据都是假的,中国是负或零,请问是不是中国人都应该去看精神病医生? 为什么每个中国人都看见满大街的幻觉,车子是假的,楼是假的,高铁飞机都是假的,家里的东西都是不存在的是幻觉.

--hehe. People should know why they are conquered...

--hehe. The world is just a grand chessboard. America grasped the golden opportunities of the two world wars and finally elevated into the global master. It will not give up its power to shape the world FOR ITS OWN BENEFITS.


Up till now, Anglo-Saxon civilization is the most OPEN, ADAPTIVE, expansive, militaristic and integrative civilization on the earth, I can not foresee any civilization to be serious challenger for the next 50 years, INCLUDING China.

罗马帝国也把别人都当野蛮人,宋朝被蒙古打败的时候好像也非常的integral. 犹太人的好日子才过了6-70年,难道在这些年里他们才变成integral civilazation? 以前他们都是dogs? 那这种civilazation好像也不是很难练成嘛


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