
主题:【原创】新年政治经济展望之六:货币体系(一) -- 井底望天

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Key points summmarized


--hehe. First, scare Japan and China into compliant dogs. Feed their elites into puppies.

--Kill Euro and Euroland.

--When it comes to finance, no nation can match the dream combination of Jew+Anglo-Saxon.


--US: 抢回来的大饼=huge. Thus everyone's life is much better. Why there is subprime crisis? why you can buy a big house without paying one penny of downpayment? Because capital is flowing from poor developing nations into US (weird, isn't it?) and makes the credit too easy to get before 2006.

--China: 抢回来的大饼=0 or negative, elites are best at sucking their compatriot's blood. Thus you have coalmine scandals, zero labor protection, slave labor, dirty cheap assembly plants in southern China.


--the last two are two compliant dogs. As good as the two and half rating agencies. So relax and do not be so angry...


--hehe. People should know why they are conquered...



--hehe. The world is just a grand chessboard. America grasped the golden opportunities of the two world wars and finally elevated into the global master. It will not give up its power to shape the world FOR ITS OWN BENEFITS.

Up till now, Anglo-Saxon civilization is the most OPEN, ADAPTIVE, expansive, militaristic and integrative civilization on the earth, I can not foresee any civilization to be serious challenger for the next 50 years, INCLUDING China.


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