主题:【原创】"面条"的原型-迈野.兰思机的江湖伟绩 -- 老成都
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1936年,纽约众议员Nathan Perlman和犹太拉比向Meyer Lansky提出一项交易:由Lansky的手下们去揍在美国逐渐抬头的纳粹党徒,用拳头、棒球棍、铁棒什么都可以。只要没人被打死,一切好说。作为交换,政府可以在司法系统中给黑手党提供保护,甚至可以给钱。
Lansky愿意不要钱白干。教父Lucky Luciano打算帮忙,但Lansky说这是犹太人的架,要由犹太人去打。
“The Nazi scumbags were meeting one night on the second floor. Nat Arno and I went upstairs and threw stink bombs into the room where the creeps were. As they came out of the room, running from the horrible odor of the stink bombs and running down the steps to go into the street to escape, our boys were waiting with bats and iron bars. It was like running a gauntlet,” one of Lanksy’s men reported.