
主题:漂漂2号兄问美国共产党,提供一些资料,也感慨万千 -- 真历啊

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1962年1月15日人民日报电子版 new.zlck.com














1955年12月24日人民日报电子版 new.zlck.com










1948年7月20日,美国最高法院根据1940年的 “史密斯法”,逮捕了福斯特及美国共产党全国政治局委员12人,并对他们提起了诉讼。虽然福斯特由于患有心脏病未被审判和监禁,但一直处在美国当局的密切监视下而不能自由活动,并且随时都有被重新审判的可能。即便是在如此艰难的情况下,福斯特仍然关注着中共领导的人民革命的历史进程。


1950年7月13日在 《工人日报》发表 《杜鲁门在亚洲的战争》一文,强烈谴责杜鲁门政府的侵略亚洲政策,声援中国和朝鲜。

1951年1月16日,福斯特在 《工人日报》上发表了一篇题为《朝鲜和平的基础》的文章。福斯特在文章中指出:“从朝鲜撤出外国军队的‘问题’,也是美国专断地、人为地制造出来的。因为正是美国最先派遣外国军队到朝鲜去,干涉那个国家的内战。美军对朝鲜的这种残暴侵略,乃是对和平、对朝鲜和中国的主权完整的又一凶暴进攻。

1953年8月18日,福斯特在美共的党报 《工人日报》指出:“把人民中国排斥在联合国之外,而不顾全世界日益要求他在联合国中取得席位”,“则世界局势紧张的原因将不能得到解决”。











参战前,美国反共气氛浓厚,美共领导人厄尔·白劳德(Earl Browder)被捕入狱,美国参战后与苏联建立同盟,为缓和关系,白劳德被释放。他出狱后思考了一下,得出了一个结论——现在反法西斯要紧,为了不给反苏分子以口实,维护美苏联盟,美共最好解散……然后就真的解散了,变成了非政党性质的“共产主义政治协会”。



























史密斯法又称“外侨登记法”。美国国会于1940年6年通过的管理外侨的法律。因由众议员史密斯(HowardWorehSmith)提出而得名。规定对不是美国公民的五百万左右的人实行登记,·凡蓄意鼓动、教唆他人以暴力推翻美国政府,以及成立或参加以此为目的的组织,均为犯罪,应处两万美元以下罚金或20年以下监禁或两罚并科。50年代后期以来相继对该法作了限制性解释,原告如果仅“抽象”地宣传共产主义,并不构成教唆或鼓吹的非法活动;并认为在鼓吹以暴力推翻政府的成员中,应区分“积极”成员和“消极”成员,前者指了解该组织目的并积极从事这一目的的行动者。 [1]

即美国“一九四〇年外侨登记法”。因众议员史密斯(Howard Worth Smith)提出其追加条款而得名。1940年6月国会通过。它以防止“颠覆活动”为借口,规定外国人和在外国出生的美国公民必须进行登记;凡以任何方式宣传用暴力推翻美国政府者均构成“犯罪”。






































from wiki:威廉·泽布朗·福斯特

(英語:William Zebulon Foster;1881年-1961年),20世纪美国工人运动活动家,曾任美国共产党主席。


1 生平

2 著作

3 参考

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爱泼斯坦. 美国工人阶級光荣的战士和領袖——祝威廉·泽·福斯特同志八十寿辰. 世界知识. 1961, (Z1): 24–25.

乐山. 一个革命战士的成长 威廉·福斯特早期革命生活的片断. 人民日报. 1961年9月10日: 第5版.

Michael Kazin. From Street Fighter to Stalinist. The New York Times. 1994-06-12 (美国英语).

威廉·福斯特同志传略. 人民日报. 1961年9月4日: 第3版.

美国工人阶级光荣的战士和领袖 威廉·福斯特同志. 人民日报. 1959年2月2日: 第6版.

美国共产党全国委员会名誉主席 威廉·福斯特同志逝世 苏共中央发表通告 美共发表讣告. 人民日报. 1961年9月4日: 第1版.


威廉·泽布朗·福斯特的作品 - 古騰堡計劃





Early years

Francis Xavier Waldron was born on August 10, 1905 in Seattle, Washington. He worked in various jobs and was a member of the Industrial Workers of the World, for which he was active in California as a union organizer.

Political career

Waldron joined the Workers (Communist) Party in 1926.[2]

In 1929, Waldron fled to the Soviet Union to avoid criminal charges for his political activities under the California Criminal Syndicalism Act.

Waldron returned to the United States in 1935 and assumed the pseudonym Eugene Dennis. Dennis became General Secretary of the party after the expulsion of Earl Browder and was a staunch supporter of the Moscow line.

On July 20, 1948, Dennis and eleven other party leaders, including Party Chairman William Z. Foster were arrested and charged under the Alien Registration Act.[3] Foster was not prosecuted due to ill health.

As Dennis and his co-accused had never openly called for the violent overthrow of the United States government, the prosecution depended on passages from the works of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin that advocated revolutionary violence and on the testimony of former members of the party who claimed Dennis and others had privately advocated the use of violence.

After a nine-month-long trial and the imprisonment of the defense lawyers for contempt of court, Dennis and his co-defendants were found guilty and sentenced to five years imprisonment. They appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States, which ruled 6–2 against the defendants on June 4, 1951 in Dennis v. United States, 341 U.S. 494 (1951). The Court later scaled back its Dennis opinion in Yates v. United States and rendered the broad conspiracy provisions of the Smith Act unenforceable.[4] Eugene Dennis was imprisoned in the years 1951–1955, according to the verdict in his case.[5]

Dennis remained General Secretary until 1959, when he succeeded Foster as party chairman and held that position until his death in 1961.

Espionage connections

Though never charged with any act of espionage, Dennis was identified in the Venona project as being a source for Soviet intelligence in the United States during World War II. In the transcripts, Dennis is referenced as a contact for a group of concealed Communists in the Office of Strategic Services and the Office of War Information.

Dennis is referenced in the following Venona transcripts:

708 KGB Moscow to Mexico City, 8 December 1944

1714 KGB New York to Moscow, 5 December 1944

55 KGB New York to Moscow, 15 January 1945


Dennis died of cancer on January 31, 1961.

He was buried at the Waldheim Cemetery[6] (now Forest Home Cemetery) in Forest Park, Illinois.


The elections and the outlook for national unity., New York, Workers Library Publishers, 1944.

America at the crossroads: postwar problems and communist policy., New York, New century publishers, 1945.

Marxism-Leninism vs. revisionism., New York, New Century publishers, 1946 (with William Z. Foster, Jacques Duclos, and John Williamson; foreword by Max Weiss).

The people against the trusts; build a democratic front to defeat reaction now and win a people’s victory in 1948., New York, New Century Publishers, 1946.

What America faces: the new war danger and the struggle for peace, democracy and economic security., New York, New century publishers, 1946.

Let the people know the truth about the Communists which the un-American committee tried to suppress., New York, New century publishers, 1947.

Eugene Dennis indicts the Wall Street conspirators. New York : National Office, Communist Party, 1948.

Ideas they cannot jail., New York, International Publishers, 1950.

Letters from prison. Selected by Peggy Dennis., New York, International Publishers, 1956.

The Communists take a new look., New York, New Century, 1956.





Benjamin Jefferson "Ben" Davis Jr. (September 8, 1903 – August 22, 1964), was an African-American lawyer and communist who was elected in 1943 to the city council of New York City, representing Harlem. He faced increasing opposition from outside Harlem after the end of World War II. In 1949 he was among a number of communist leaders prosecuted for violating the Smith Act. He was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison.

Early years

Benjamin J. Davis Jr. – known to his friends as "Ben" – was born September 8, 1903, in Dawson, Georgia. The family moved to Atlanta in 1909, where Davis's father, "Big Ben" Davis, established a weekly black newspaper, the Atlanta Independent.[1] It was successful enough to provide a comfortable middle-class upbringing for his family. The elder Benjamin Davis emerged as a prominent black political leader and served as a member of the Republican National Committee for the state of Georgia.[2][3]

The younger Ben Davis Jr. attended the high school program of Morehouse College in Atlanta.[4] He left the South to study at Amherst College, where he earned his B.A. in 1925.[5] Davis continued his education at Harvard Law School, from which he graduated in 1929. Davis worked briefly as a journalist before starting a law practice in Atlanta in 1932.[6]

Political career

Benjamin Davis leaving the Federal Courthouse in New York City in 1949

Davis became radicalized through his role as defense attorney in the 1933 trial of Angelo Herndon, a 19-year-old black Communist who had been charged with violating a Georgia law against "attempting to incite insurrection", because he tried to organize a farm workers' union. Davis asked the International Juridical Association to review his brief.[7] During the trial, Davis faced angry, racist opposition from the judge and public. He was impressed with the rhetoric and bravery of Herndon and his colleagues. After giving concluding arguments, he joined the Communist Party himself.[8]

Herndon was convicted and sentenced to 18–20 years in jail. He was freed after April 26, 1937 when, by a 5-to-4 margin, the United States Supreme Court ruled Georgia's Insurrection Law to be unconstitutional.[9]

Davis moved to Harlem, New York in 1935, joining the Great Migration of blacks out of the South to northern cities. He worked as editor of the Communist Party's newspaper targeted to African-Americans, The Negro Liberator. He later became editor of the CPUSA's official English-language daily, The Daily Worker.

In 1943, Davis was elected under the then-used system of proportional representation to fill a city council seat being vacated by Adam Clayton Powell Jr. to run for Congress.

Davis was reelected twice to his city council seat. In 1949, he was expelled from the council upon being convicted of conspiring to overthrow the federal government under the Smith Act – a World War II-era charge that rested on Davis's association with the Communist Party.[2] His expulsion from the council was required under state law. His former colleagues passed a resolution celebrating his ouster.[10] He appealed the conviction for two years, without success.

After serving three years and four months in the federal penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana, Davis was freed.[11] In the subsequent years, Davis engaged in a speaking tour of college campuses and remained politically active, promoting an agenda of civil rights and economic populism. Davis' 1962 speaking circuit drew crowds at schools such as Harvard, Columbia, Amherst, Oberlin and the University of Minnesota.[12] But the City College of New York – in the New York council district he represented in the 1940s – barred Davis from speaking on its campus in this period. After a student protest, Davis was allowed to speak outside, on the street.[12] He was close to Communist Party chairman William Z. Foster. Davis continued to publicly defend the actions of the Soviet Union, including the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956.[11]

In 1962 Davis was charged with violating the Internal Security Act.[11] He died shortly before the case came to trial.[13]


Ben Davis died of lung cancer in New York City on August 22, 1964. He was less than one month shy of his 61st birthday at the time of his death, and was in the midst of a campaign for New York State Senate on the People's Party ticket.


While in prison, Davis had written notes for a memoir. These were confiscated by prison authorities and not released until after his death. They were posthumously published under the title Communist Councilman From Harlem (1969), with a foreword by his Smith Act codefendant Henry Winston.[14]





Robert George Thompson (June 21, 1915 – October 16, 1965) was a distinguished US soldier who was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross (United States) during World War II but was later jailed for several years for his communist sympathies.

Thompson's first foray into war was with the Spanish Republicans in the Civil War in Spain against General Franco and the Spanish Nationalists, as a battalion commander with the all-American volunteer Abraham Lincoln Brigade.[1]

Following the Spanish Civil War, Thompson saw action during World War II in the Pacific Theater. He was cited for extraordinary heroism during the American New Guinea Campaign, was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and was approved for a battlefield commission as an officer.[2] The citation read:

For extraordinary heroism in action near Tarakena, New Guinea, on January 11, 1943. Volunteering to lead a small patrol in an attempt to establish a foothold on the opposite shore, Staff Sergeant Thompson swam the swollen and rapid Konembi River in broad daylight and under heavy enemy fire. Armed only with a pistol and hand grenades, he assisted in towing a rope to the other shore where he remained under cover of the bank and directed the crossing of his platoon. Staff Sergeant Thompson then led the platoon against two enemy machine-gun emplacements which dominated the crossing, and wiped them out. The success of this action permitted the advance of the entire company and secured a bridge-head for the advance of the following units.[2]

Following the war, Thompson was involved with the leadership of the Communist Party USA, and was convicted in the Foley Square trial, alongside the rest of the party leadership, for violating the Smith Act. He was sentenced to imprisonment for three years. After the Supreme Court affirmed his conviction, he absconded, and for this he was convicted of criminal contempt and ordered to serve an additional four-year sentence.[2] While serving his sentence, Thompson was assaulted by a group of Yugoslav fascists who had jumped ship in the United States, one of whom cracked Thompson's skull with a metal pipe while standing on a lunch line.[1]

Following his release Thompson continued with the Communist Party including organizing protests against the Vietnam War.

Thompson suffered a fatal heart attack on October 16, 1965.[1] As controversial in death as in life, after initially granted burial at Arlington National Cemetery, his post-service activities led the Army, under pressure from Congress, to rescind its permission.[2] Subsequently, the Army was ordered by the United States Court of Appeals District of Columbia Circuit to permit the interment.[2]

Striking a dissenting chord days after his death, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Murray Kempton wrote:

And so, an American who was brave has been judged and disposed of by Americans who are cowards of the least excusable sort, cowards who have very little to fear. Yesterday the Army called Robert Thompson's widow and said that it would send his ashes wherever she wished. Wherever those ashes go, the glory of America goes with them.[3]



Henry M. Winston (April 2, 1911 – December 13, 1986) was an African-American political leader and Marxist civil rights activist.

Winston, committed to equal rights and communism, was an advocate of civil rights for African Americans decades before the idea of racial equality emerged as a mainstream current of American political thought.

An early member of the American Communist Party, Winston was elected to the party's National Board in 1936, serving as Chairman of the CPUSA from 1966 to 1986.

He was born on April 2, 1911 to Joseph and Lucille Winston in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.[1] Henry grew up there and in Kansas City, Missouri.[2] The economic situation of the poor Winston family was troubling enough to force Henry to leave high school early. Though once again unemployed after the start of the Great Depression, Winston's organizational skills and intellect came to the fore when he took a position with the Kansas City Unemployed Council at 19.[2]

By 1936, Winston was serving the Communist Party USA as both the national organizational secretary of the Young Communist League and a member of the Communist Party National Board.

As a high-ranking member of the Communist Party organization, Winston encouraged members of the party to sign up for military service to fight Fascism and Nazism in the Second World War. Winston himself served in the Army, participating in the liberation of France from Nazi occupation. He marked the war's end with an honorable discharge from the military.[2]

Back to political activity after his World War II discharge and the reorganization of the Party in 1946, Winston, along with the rest of the CPUSA leadership, was a victim of an early Cold War attempt by the American government to "decapitate" the Communists' leading ranks. In 1948, Winston, together with other notable leaders within the Communist movement, was brought to trial in the Foley Square trial on charges of violating the Smith Act for encouraging the overthrowing of the American government.

Unable to produce evidence that any of the leading party members had actually called for the armed overthrow of the American government, the prosecution, boosted by the American public's antipathy toward radical activists during the opening years of the Cold War, based its case on selective interpretation of quotations from the works of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and other revolutionary figures of Marxism-Leninism. They also relied on the testimony of "witnesses" hired by the FBI.[3] During the course of the trial the judge held several of the defendants and all of their counsel in contempt of court.

Convicted of revolutionary insurrection alongside the rest of the defendants for advocating the ideas of Marxism, Winston escaped while on bail. In disguise, traveling around the country under a false name, Winston was sheltered by people sympathetic to Marxism and leftist political work. Undeterred from maintaining his links with the party above-ground, Winston continued his activities from within the party's underground organization: his 1951 pamphlet on party organization, "What it Means to be a Communist," was produced by the Communist Party while Winston was still underground.

Following his surrender to federal authorities years later, Winston served out his sentence in Terre Haute, Indiana, remaining imprisoned, despite severe health problems, until his release in 1961.[2]

Winston's state of health began to see a rapid deterioration throughout the late 1950s. By 1958, he began to suffer from headaches and dizzy spells; no adequate treatment was administered to him until 1960; by then, although a tumor was removed when he was transferred to a hospital New York, Winston was left permanently blind as a result of denied treatment.[2] Winston's release, now sought even by anti-communist preachers and liberal activists, was refused.[2]

Addressing President Kennedy in a 1961 debate, Comandante Fidel Castro, whose July 26 Revolution swept the Communists into power two years earlier, called for the release of Winston and other political prisoners.[4]

Against the backdrop of both waves of protests from various quarters of the United States in addition to criticism from across the world, the Kennedy administration allowed Winston executive clemency, following which he was permitted to seek medical attention in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. The same year, the Supreme Court, in Noto v. United States (1961), put an end to the jailing of party leaders, having reversed a conviction under the membership clause because the evidence was insufficient to prove that the Party had engaged in unlawful advocacy:

[T]he mere abstract teaching of Communist theory, including the teaching of the moral propriety or even moral necessity for a resort to force and violence is not the same as preparing a group for violent action and steeling it to such action. There must be some substantial direct or circumstantial evidence of a call to violence now or in the future which is both sufficiently strong and sufficiently pervasive to lend color to the otherwise ambiguous theoretical material regarding Communist Party teaching, and to justify the inference that such a call to violence may fairly be imputed to the Party as a whole, and not merely to some narrow segment of it.[5]

The legal recognition of the illegitimacy of the federal government's basis for the imprisonment of party activists was now complete. Although the party was seriously damaged by the repressive moves, aggressive party activity was now again possible.

Winston was elected CPUSA Chairman in 1966, sharing the running of the party organization with Gus Hall, the General Secretary.[2]

In 1964, he spoke to students at the University of Washington, after radical activists staged protests against the university's ban on "communist speakers."[6]

The 1970s witnessed the publication of two books connecting the long-denied issue of African-American equality in America and the Communist philosophy of class struggle: Winston's Strategy for a Black Agenda (1973) and Class, Race, and Black Liberation (1977), which argued that the struggle for civil rights had reached the stage of fusion with the struggle for economic rights.

In a 1971 lecture to a seminar of Communist Party organizers he said:

The giant industrial monopolies, the big banks and insurance companies, the financiers and landowners, all spawn racism and use it as one of their chief class weapons to maintain and defend their regime of exploitation and oppression, of enmity among peoples, of imperialist wars of aggression.

It follows that all democratic and antimonopoly forces, with the working class and Black liberation movement in the van, can effectively defend the interests of the vast majority of people only when they actively further the struggle against racism. This is an essential precondition for the development of a fighting alliance which will unite all democratic and antimonopoly [anticapitalist] forces in the country.

Marx wrote long ago that “labor in a white skin can never be free so long as labor in the black skin is branded.” This profound observation points up the fact that racism is the consciously employed weapon of the white imperialist oppressors, who use it to create division in the ranks of the working class. And Marx correctly suggests that white workers must take the lead in the struggle against racism. This is the path which can lead to unity of Black and white workers in struggle, which can achieve Black equality and a real improvement in the conditions of all workers.[7]

A close ally of the South African Communist Party and actively involved in the American movement to end support for the United States' then-ally, apartheid South Africa, Winston proposed the following strategy as a backbone of principles for the U.S. sanctions and divestment movement against the apartheid regime:

1. No economic, political or military relations whatsoever with the Vorster regime in the Republic of South Africa.

2. Congress shall tax and the Treasury shall collect taxes on all profits made in South Africa at maximum rates without deductions for local tax paid.

3. The Overseas Private Investment Corporation shall refuse to insure any new investments in South Africa and cancel all outstanding insurance on investments in the Republic of South Africa.

4. The President shall instruct the Export-Import Bank and all other U.S. credit agencies to refuse all credits for business with the Republic of South Africa and instruct U.S. representatives of international lending agencies to oppose all credits to the Republic of South Africa or companies operating therein.

5. The State Department shall denounce all existing investment, trade and commercial treaties with the Union of South Africa and the President shall remove most favored nation treatment from South African goods.

6. The immediate withdrawal of the sugar quota to the Republic of South Africa.[8]

As Chairman of the CPUSA, Winston condemned the Reagan administration's nuclear buildup, increases in military spending at the expense of social welfare programs, and sponsorships of civil wars against leftist forces in Nicaragua and El Salvador.

Winston died on December 13, 1986, aged 75, in the Soviet Union, where he had again returned in search of medical treatment.





















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