主题:Exodus(出埃及记 电影主题曲) - Marksim -- x188
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This land is mine,
God gave this land to me.
This brave and ancient land to me.
And when the moning sun
reveals her hills and plains,
Then I see a land where children can run free.
So take my hand
and walk this land with me,
And walk this lovely land with me,
Tho I am just a man when you are by my side.
with the help of God I know I can be strong.
So take my hand
and walk this land with me,
And walk this golden land with me,
Tho I am just a man when you are by my side.
with the help of God I know I can be strong.
To make this land our home,
If I must fight,
I ll fight to make this land our own.
Until I die this land is mine!
世界归我 蒙主赐予
英勇土地 古老疆域
晨光初现 山色旖旎
自由之邦 孩童嬉戏
携我的手 与我同行
壮阔大地 有我同行
危难之刻 与我相依
与主同在 赐我刚强
与主同在 赐我家乡
以我英勇 慰我家乡
以我身躯 慰我家乡
果然是“you will (pass the exam ) when you believe ”