主题:【我爱西河 箱底红货】老爸与长征运载火箭(1) -- 山而王
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of CZ2, the probject considered mature enough and the army took it over. The swap team mode is over.
So most of my fathers knowledge about CZ is around 80s.
You need to ask those who is with the project around middle of 90s.
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how many times have ChangZheng rockets failed? dislab 字337 2006-03-31 15:34:44
八几年长征2号发射完毕就交给部队,科研会战结束。没出过这事。下面会讲。 山而王 字0 2006-03-31 16:11:39
1995 and 1996 dislab 字90 2006-03-31 17:22:33
The initial dev of CZ is from 70s. In 80s after successful launch
在1996年,我记得我们几乎每战必败,随后开始了大整顿 闲云野熊 字131 2006-03-31 23:54:34
那一段有Li总的传说 有点蔫 字188 2006-04-01 03:59:53
产品质量肯定是出了问题,但不完全是质量问题 5 闲云野熊 字1195 2006-04-01 04:49:01
呵呵,苏联那次不是泻空燃料时出的事 射手 字132 2006-04-01 22:05:03