
主题:【讨论】NPR一个给9-14岁的书单(2013年8月) -- 南寒

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我终于把Jing Tsu的《汉字王国》找来翻了一篇,除了我上次提到的那些内容以外,她还记述了中文打字机的发展过程、汉字电子输入技术的发展过程、统一汉字编码正在发展的过程。如qq97河友贴中所说,关于汉字电子输入技术她也提到了748工程和北大方正的王选,但没有提及郭平欣,倒是提到了更早的支秉彝和一个美籍华人李凡。

网上能找到的中文介绍似乎都是源出《牛窑湿爆》的一篇书评,书评作者是个出生在米国东南、但出身于牛津和哈佛法学院、现在伦敦做自由撰稿人的一个黑人小姐姐DEIRDRE MASK,这个书评基本不咸不淡。我们以前说过好的畅销书的标准,论据要耸人听闻,结论要出其不意,论证和事实搞得严格、全面,反而对销售量没好处。我臆想中石静远这个书出来以后多半是不特无人赞成、也没人反对、并找了个职业枪手。但这个书评《湿爆》有个中餐馆版,然后有几处有源或者无源的转载。



[Yet] Mao went down in history as, among other things, the political figure who guided the Chinese language through its two greatest transformations in modern history. The first was character simplification, which would reduce the number of strokes in more than 2,200 Chinese characters. The second was the creation of pinyin, a standardized phonetic system using the Roman alphabet and based on the pronunciation of Putonghua (“pinyin,” which means “to piece together sound”).


Following Mao, the Communists had fought and won a civil war in the name of the people — workers, peasants, and every member of the exploited underclass. At the founding of the PRC, more than 90 percent of the country was still illiterate and communicated in regional dialects. Romanization would be Mao's way of delivering his promise to the people, and the people to their linguistic destiny. It would be a new bridge to learning, employed in aggressive anit-illiteracy campaigns.



Mao said that the masses were the true heroes and their opinions must be trusted, and they felt that their daily experiences with wielding the Chinese script were part of the nation’s grand struggle for social modernity. It was Mao’s cultural workers who brought literacy to every man, woman and child, from typesetters to soldiers, custodians to factory workers.





After losing the mainland to the Communists and retreating to Taiwan, the Nationalists appointed themselves the true guardians of traditional culture and have kept the traditional written characters intact to this day. By distancing themselves from character simplification, they left room for the Communists to claim it as a central platform for New China.



Every technology that has ever confronted the Chinese script, or challenged it, also had to bow before it.


Ideographic characters have pushed to the brink every universalist claim of Western technology, from telegraphy to Unicode [a standard international system for encoding various languages’ scripts in computers]. Having bent over backward many times to accommodate the technologies of the Western alphabet, the Chinese script, however, has not been altered in a fundamental way. Having survived, its presence has only been strengthened by those trials.


Every technology that has ever confronted the Chinese, or challenged them, also has to bow before them.




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