
主题:【原创】G20关于俄罗斯的两部分,根本没有谴责一说。 -- nanimarcusboy

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是这个意思, 但没突出重点

在下好事之人,这两天看见网上的喷子们一通吵吵,觉得很应该参与一下,遂读了一下声明原文(英文),和中新网的中文版(摘要), 正好又见老兄此文, 就发在这里吧:

先看英文声明第7点(原文链接 https://www.apec.org/meeting-papers/annual-ministerial-meetings/2022/2022-apec-ministerial-meeting):

This year, we have also witnessed the war in Ukraine further adversely impact the global economy. There was a discussion on the issue. We reiterated our positions as expressed in other flora, including the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly, which, in Resolution No. ES-11/1 dated 2 March 2022, as adopted by majority vote (141 votes for, 5 against, 35 abstentions, 12 absent) deplores in the strongest terms the aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine and demands its complete and unconditional withdrawal from the territory of Ukraine. Most members strongly condemned the war in Ukraine and stressed it is causing immense human suffering and exacerbating existing fragilities in the global economy – constraining growth, increasing inflation, disrupting supply chains, heightening energy and food insecurity, and elevating financial stability risks. There were other views and different assessments of the situation and sanctions. Recognising that APEC is not the forum to resolve security issues, we acknowledge that security issues can have significant consequences for the global economy.

外交部的中文版似乎主动被和谐了, 新华网的”摘要“版的对应部分(原文链接 http://www.news.cn/world/2022-11/19/c_1129142086.htm):



deplore翻译成中文是”痛惜“, 这个和下面condemn(谴责)一词显然不是同一个意思。deplore这个词,在英文里的愿意是”哀其不幸,怒其不争“,兼有怜悯和厌恶的意思。 翻译成”痛惜“, 各位可以自己解读, 但非往”谴责“上凑, 这一步跨得,就扯着蛋了。


以上第三个黑体字部分,确实用的“condemn(谴责)一词。 但是第二黑体部分的定语,指明是多数成员, 而不是全体成员的一致表达。 所以这个”联合声明“的”联合“特别具有欺骗性。

综上,我们就用中文来翻译一下中文 -- 外交部的意思是:我们对俄罗斯动用武力一事表示“痛惜”,与会的多数成员都谴责这个行动并blabla......但是这个“多数”具体是谁,包不包括中国, 甚至包不包括俄罗斯自己呢?我不说, 你们猜好了。




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