
主题:【原创】【讨论】耶鲁女博士被美帝警察乱枪射杀 -- 孟词宗

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事件录像:Critical Incident Video - Little Italy

《圣地亚哥联合论坛报》当地时间3月11日报道,美国加州圣地亚哥治安官办公室当天公布了一段3月3日的执法视频,当地警方在执行法院驱逐令时,与作为屋主的47岁的华裔女子李艳(音译:Yan Li)发生冲突。李艳在对峙过程中手持菜刀刺伤警察,现场警察连开数枪将其击毙。


从视频看,冲突的直接起因是警察给 Yan Li 送收回房舍通知书(在加州,这个通知书并不是让其立刻走人,根据情况有三天到六十天的缓冲期),Yan Li 怀疑其身份并与之口角。当时 Yan Li 手中拿了一把平头菜刀(据网上说正在做饭),结果警察立马掏枪要其放下菜刀。对峙一阵后,Yan Li 扔掉通知书,把门关掉。

按照一般情况,事情到此就结束了。但警察不依不饶,在 Yan Li 退回屋子并关闭房门后,居然向警局呼叫支援,并说 “She is Barricaded ”(蹲点拘捕)。结果来了一堆警察(14名警员)。

警察冲入屋中后先用橡皮子弹(Bean Bag)向她射击,但似乎没什么效果。Yan Li 拿了一把尖头菜刀向外跑,在门口捅了挡路的警犬和警察。于是遭到警察乱枪射击,身中十多枪,当场被射杀。




Ms. Yan Li was a graduate of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, with a Doctorate in Biostatistics. She worked years at Pharmaceutical and Biotech companies. It is so sad. Please watch the movie a "Beautiful Mind" to understand the struggles an American mathematician John Nash, a Nobel Laureate in Economics, had with the same mental issues that Yan Li battled with in her life. She was a beautiful mind and her son Derrick grieves for her while at his studies at UC, Berkeley.

Prayers for Yan Li, she was killed at Acqua Vista and lived in Unit 503. Her mental illness was difficult for her to manage and she tried and tried but never got the help she needed from the HOA or others. I spoke to the Sheriffs before they killed her and I said that force is not the only answer. Please wait for a Psychologist but they chose to go in without dialog. I am so sad because she did not need to die yesterday. Her son at UC Berkeley is grieving for her and can't understand why no one at the HOA called him before the eviction.

Yan Li 是耶鲁大学博士,专业是生物统计。儿子在读加大伯克利分校。她住的这个区是在圣地亚哥的 Little Italy 区。是不错的旅游/住宅区。离开海湾步行只要十分钟。区里类似她的 Condo 市场价格在70万-80万美元。

这个新闻还有另一个转折。Yan Li 之所以被驱逐是因为她似乎欠了物业费。于是居民物业委员会(Home Owner Association) 决定把她的房子卖了抵债。前面说过,区里类似她的 Condo 市场价格在70万-80万美元。但是物业把她的房子只卖了 3万美元的低价(从原文中看,Yan Li 当初付了30万买房)。物业委员会曾经开会否决了强制卖掉她的房子。据物业委员会的财务说,在否决决定作出后,物业委员会又突然在他缺席的情况下紧急开会决定卖掉她的房子。


Q: Do we know why Ms. Li was being evicted? That is not a rapid process.

A:The HOA sold a lien for HOA dues to a Vulture Investor, Home Expo Financial, Inc and the Seabreeze Management and the HOA just wanted her gone so the Sheriff was called and told that she was threatening the Staff at Seabreeze. I tried to stop them and had a plan to help her but they held an illegal emergency meeting without notifying me the Treasurer. We voted to not do this 24 hours earlier.(edited)

Q: So, you’re a voting member of the HOA that voted against this action, but they did so regardless of the vote?

A: I was Treasurer and voting member. A vote was held to not sell it and the the HOA Lawyer and Seabreeze manager convinced the HOA president to call an emergency meeting, violation of By Laws without notice to me a voting member. They voted to sell Lien for $32,000. To Vulture Investor. I protested that it was an illegal meeting and they ratified their bad actions. 😓(edited)

----- Nextdoor needs an angry emoji. This sounds very illegal and should be considered a reason for what led up to her being viciously killed. Where was a person with training in mental illnesses? Not being implemented yet? The City has a hand in what went wrong as well.(edited) ------- They sent numerous Pert teams to our building for one tenant we had. Makes me wonder as well. ---------- I heard about this & believe that other action could have been taken with someone with mental illness & who was being forced out of her home. Why couldn''''t a stun gun have been used? Just sad. ------ Two female Sheriff Deputies had TAZERS but the Sheriff in charged called in for SDPD Canine Unit. Ms Li was terrified of all dogs. She had kitchen knife and lunged at the Canine officer and wounded him and then the bullets from guns flew out of control. So Sad. I asked the Lead Guy to wait for the PSYCHIATRIC EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (PERT) with a Psychologist, but they did not wait.(edited) ----------- sounds like they were pretty determined to get her out of the unit by all means possible…this is so tragic and unnecessary. Another life lost for a profit motive… ----------- This should never have been handled this way. At all.

---------- I was on the HOA Board and I tried to stop the other Board members from selling Yan Li''''s lien to a Vulture Investor who is due to steal $300,000 of Yan Li''''s equity she paid in to her condo. The 4 male members of the HOA did this in an emergency meeting without me being notified. I told them to reverse the action and they would not. I spoke to the Sheriff Deputies and the female Deputies tried to allow me to help but their leader got angry with me trying to help. He said I needed to back up. I said please don''''t kill her and wait for the PER Team. He chose to use force after I told him that force was not the only answer.

Everyone did not do what they could.. The HOA did not provide the Sheriff Deputies with the emergency contact information. The HOA and Seabreeze Managment did not help. They deleted her emergency contact information. They sold the property out from under Yan Li and did not attempt to get help from local mental health professionals. I did but I was not allowed to have any information about her even when I was on the Board. No one did all they could.

I offered to pay that versus selling it to a Vulture Investor to steal her $300,000 equity while she was sick. I was on the Board and the Treasurer of the HOA and the 4 other male members held an illegal meeting in violation of the ByLaws to sell it to the Vulture Investor. Would you want this to happen to your Mother or Sister?

I was on the Board and the Treasurer at the time and we voted to not sell the lien and the next day the President Daniel Torres called an emergency meeting. That next day meeting, they did not invite me or reach me, which was illegal. I asked them to reverse their action and they refused and ratified the previous illegal meeting actions. I protested and they retaliated against me. I tired to save her life and they wanted some un-holy deal that the HOA attorney brought to them. I saw it as illegal. Hence their efforts to retaliate against me. --------


类似华人被美帝警察打死并不是第一次。例如 2009 年在旧金山就发生过 旧金山华人为何遭警射杀







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