主题:【原创】所谓《基辛格秘密报告》 -- 钛坪樽逾
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先说说这份报告的时代背景,首先是美国国内当时对于人口增长压力的担忧。一九六八年斯坦福大学教授 Paul Ehrlich 出版了《人口炸弹》(Population Bomb)一书,以洛克菲勒三世为代表的社会人士推动公众关注人口问题。一九六九年七月十八日,尼克松对美国国会发表了一份关于人口问题的特别声明,表达了对世界和美国人口增长压力的担忧:
These statistics illustrate the dramatically increasing rate of population growth. It took many thousands of years to produce the first billion people; the next billion took a century; the third came after thirty years; the fourth will be produced in just fifteen.
For some time population growth has been seen as a problem for developing countries. Only recently has it come to be seen that pressing problems are also posed for advanced industrial countries when their populations increase at the rate that the United States, for example, must now anticipate. Food supplies may be ample in such nations, but social supplies--the capacity to educate youth, to provide privacy and living space, to maintain the processes of open, democratic government--may be grievously strained.
一九七零年三月,由美国国会立法,尼克松签署同意,成立了“人口增长与美国的未来特别委员会”(Commission on Population Growth and the American Future),研究全世界和美国自身的人口增长问题:
First, it will study both the situation with regard to population growth in the United States and worldwide.
Second, it does not approach the problem from the standpoint of making an arbitrary decision that population will be a certain number and will stop there. It approaches the problem in terms of trying to find out what we can expect in the way of population growth, where that population will move, and then how we can properly deal with it.
It also, of course, deals with the problem of excessive population in areas, both in nations and in parts of nations, where there simply are not the resources to sustain an adequate life.
(注:这个特别委员会的主席是洛克菲勒三世,所以在学术圈里有时称为“洛克菲勒特别委员会”(Rockefeller Commission),但是美国历史上很快出现了另外一个以洛克菲勒命名的特别委员会,是由杰拉德-福特总统于 1975 年成立,由其副总统洛克菲勒领导,研究 CIA 在美国国内的活动。两位洛克菲勒是亲兄弟,都是洛克菲勒家族的)
The Commission recommends that: (1) states eliminate existing legal inhibitions and restrictions on access to contraceptive information, procedures, and supplies; and (2) states develop statutes affirming the desirability that all persons have ready and practicable access to contraceptive information, procedures, and supplies.
In order to permit freedom of choice, the Commission recommends that all administration restrictions on access to voluntary contraceptive sterilization be eliminated so that the decision be made solely by physician and patient.
To implement this policy, we recommend that national hospital and medical associations, and their state chapters, promote the removal of existing restrictions.
With the admonition that abortion not be considered a primary means of fertility control, the Commission recommends that present state laws restricting abortion be liberalized along the lines of the New York statute, such abortion to be performed on request by duly licensed physicians under conditions of medical safety. In carrying out this policy, the Commission recommends:
That federal, state, and local governments make funds available to support abortion services in states with liberalized statutes.
That abortion be specifically included in comprehensive health insurance benefits, both public and private.
一九七零年八月,基辛格在第 76 号国安决定备忘录(NSDM 314)中要求:“美国应该建议联合国人口基金(UN Fund for Population Activities)研究全世界的各种人口问题以及应对办法,并将此列为(联合国)第二个十年发展计划中的优先项目“:
h. The U.S. should recommend that the UN Fund for Population Activities undertake a study of world population problems and measures required to deal with them, as a top priority item in the Second Development Decade.
根据联合国网站的历史记录,一九七零年,联合国大会(UN General Assembly)通过决议,响应联合国经济和社会理事会(United Nations Economic and Social Council,缩写为 ECOSOC,简称经社理事会)的倡议,定一九七四年为“世界人口年”(World Population Year),并准备于同年召开一个国际政府间(注:原文 intergovernmental)的世界人口大会(World Population Conference)。一九七二年,经社理事会做为承办机构,为大会设立了秘书处。之后的两年间,联合国下属的五个地区性委员会(regional commissions)各自组织了本地区的意见征求活动,大会秘书处在专家顾问团的帮助下起草了《世界人口行动计划》(World Population Plan of Action)。
一九七四年,世界人口大会于八月十九日至八月三十日在布加勒斯特召开。与会者超过了 1400 人,分别代表联合国的 136 个成员国。当时联合国总共有 138 个成员国(注:中国 1971 年恢复在联合国的席位,应该是派代表参加了这次大会,但是我没法查到确实的证据),同时全世界已经有 59 个国家在实施各自的人口政策(注:原文 family planning)。大会讨论并通过了经过修改的《世界人口行动计划》,据说唯一未投赞成票的与会代表来自梵蒂冈。后面还会再说到梵蒂冈的态度和这份基辛格报告之间可能的联系。
根据联合国网站的介绍,在大会的讨论中,与会代表形成了两个不同的立场。美、英、德为首的西方国家认为是人口快速增长严重阻碍了发展,发展中国家则认为人口问题并非发展不足的起因(注:原文 cause of underdevelopment)而是发展不足的后果。发展中国家代表进一步提出解决发展不足的出路在于改变不公平的资源分配,建立新的世界经济秩序。如果对《世界人口行动计划》的内容感兴趣,可以在联合国网站找到电子版。
一九七四年四月,当基辛格开始撰写这份报告时,《世界人口行动计划》草案的准备工作已经接近完成,全世界包括美国国内对于人口问题,特别是人口快速增长带来的压力,是有共识的。基辛格在七四年十二月提交这份报告时,布加勒斯特世界人口大会已经结束了,所以报告的第六章就是关于这次大会,标题为“Chapter VI World Population Conference”。报告全文里共有二十八处提到了“World Population Plan of Action”或者“Plan of Action”。
The World Population Plan of Action, despite its wordiness and often hesitant tone, contains all the necessary provisions for effective population growth control programs at national and international levels. It lacks only plain statements of quantitative goals with time frames for their accomplishment. These will have to be added by individual national action and development as rapidly as possible in further U.N. documents.
33. We must take care that our activities should not give the appearance to the LDCs of an industrialized country policy directed against the LDCs. Caution must be taken that in any approaches in this field we support in the LDCs are ones we can support within this country. "Third World" leaders should be in the forefront and obtain the credit for successful programs. In this context it is important to demonstrate to LDC leaders that such family planning programs have worked and can work within a reasonable period of time.
福特总统也在第 314 号国安决定备忘录(NSDM 314)中说:"当然,(美国)必须继续努力保持国内人口增长率不超过生育替代线,要让世界看到美国在成功践行《世界人口行动计划》":
Of course, domestic efforts in this field must continue in order to achieve worldwide recognition that the United States has been successfully practicing the basic recommendations of the World Plan of Action and that the nation's birthrate is below the replacement level of fertility. In order to obtain the support of the United States citizens for our involvement in international population programs, it is important that they recognize that excessive world population growth can affect domestic problems including economic expansion as well as world instability.
Implications of Worldwide Population Growth
For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests
世界人口问题与国家利益和国家安全有关吗?无论回答者来自哪个国家,我想绝大部分人的回答会是肯定的。这份报告被归类于“国家安全研究备忘录”(National Security Study Memorandum),是合理的。
按照维基的说法,美国国家安全委员会(National Security Council)的主席是总统,正式成员包括副总统、国务卿、国防部长、财政部长、能源部长,定期出席成员包括参联会主席、国家情报总监、国家安全事务助理、司法部长,等等,等等。根据会议内容可以追加的列席成员包括 CIA 局长,等。所以,这份报告发给国防部长、中情局长,甚至抄送参联会主席,并不反常。
这个类别的文件肯定都有个密级,这在哪个正常国家都一样。在这份基辛格报告的每一页上,也确实都标有 Confidential 的字样。报告封面上有关定密级的注解说“根据适用的 11652 号总统令规定,每过两年,报告所属密级自动降级,将于 1980 年 12 月 1 日解密”。除此之外,报告封面上还有一行注解“只有白宫才能解密”。
按照译作作者的解释,Confidential 的密级在 Secret 和 Top Secret 之下。译作进一步介绍一九七二年由尼克松颁布的 11652 号总统令(Executive Order)如下:
还有一九八二年由时任总统罗纳德-里根颁布的 12356 号总统令:
在谷歌上分别用“the kissinger report dec 10, 1974”、“the kissinger reporter 1974”,“the kissinger reporter”和“NSSM 200”做关键字搜索,我看到的搜索结果表明,最迟不晚于一九九五年,网上就出现了就有关于这份报告的评论。
1. Exposing the Global Population Control Agenda
这篇文章提到了中国的计划生育,看完后有种熟悉的味道。这个网站的名字是 Human Life International,其对自己的介绍第一句:
2. [URL=http://www.lifeissues.net/writers/clo/Kissinger_Report_2004.pdf]Kissinger
Reporter, A Retrospective on NSSM-200[/URL]
这个 PDF 的第二页给出了作者的“工作单位”:Human Life International,其他就不用多说了。
3. NSSM 200: Understanding National Security Study Memorandum 200
这是另一个反对计划生育、反对堕胎的教会网站。上面那篇 HLI 发表的文章里面还引用这个网站的另外一篇文章。
4. Henry Kissinger's 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide
根据这篇文章的网址中包含的“1995”,和文章标题下的发表日期“Dec 8, 1995”,在我能找到的网页里,这大概算是最早评论基辛格这份报告的一篇了,同时也是下面其他标题、内容类似的文章的源头。这个 Schiller Institute 的创建人是 Lyndon LaRouche 和 Helga Zepp-LaRouche 夫妇。Lyndon LaRouche 是个争议性人物。关于他和他们夫妻俩创建的这个 Schiller Institute,大家可以自行搜索研究其倾向。
同一篇文章还发表在 larouchepub.com 网站的刊物 Executive Intelligence Review上。
看到 larouchepub.com 网址里 “larouche”一词是不是眼熟?对,就是来自 LaRouche 这个姓,和 Schiller Institute 同属一个团队。这篇文章在二零零四年被同一刊物再次发表
5. Kissinger’s 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide
这是个挂了号的法轮功网站,不仅“转发”了上面那篇 Schiller Institute 的文章,并加进了自己的私货。
6. Kissinger's 1974 plan for food control genocide
又是一个“转发”上面 Schiller Institute 那篇文章的。
7. Geopolitics Of Population Control Law
这是个印度网站,看不出来其宗教和政治倾向。这篇文章里大段内容抄自 Schiller Institute 那篇文章。
8. The fertility wars: Birth control as US foreign policy
基辛格的这份报告从一九八九年解密到现在,已经三十多年了。不仅在网上可以找到全文,很多书店,包括亚马逊,在出售印刷版,档案馆和图书馆也可找到。从一九九五年 Schiller Institute 那篇文章发表到现在,也有二十五年了,在英语网络世界,对这份报告负面评价和非议仍然寥寥无几,而且只集中出自一些宗教和政治倾向性非常明显的网站。其他网站,无论是不是主流,无论政治和社会立场如何,似乎并不关心这份报告。
事实上,译作作者“CSH1”另外一篇文章CHS1:【原创】西方的人物和组织(3):审判基辛格(一)里推荐的《审批亨利-基辛格》 一书,该书作者 Christopher Hitchens 强烈批判了基辛格的“战争罪行”、“反 人类罪行”和对“国际法的违犯”,却对于基辛格的这份报告只字不提。该书首次出版于 2001 年,Christopher Hitchens 不可能不知道这份报告的存在。只能说,在该书作者看来,这份基辛格报告很普通,没有“杀伤力”。
基辛格报告提交后,历时数月,经过美国政府内部各相关部门首脑阅读、审议、研究和修改。一九七五年十一月,福特总统批准了在前文提到的第 314 号国家安全决定备忘录(NSDM 314),采纳基辛格报告中的对策为美国政府的政策,指示相关政府机构开始制订具体的执行方案和计划。他在该备忘录中说:“美国应该领导全世界执行《世界人口行动计划》,控制人口增长,以推进美国的安全和海外利益”:
United States leadership is essential to combat population growth, to implement the World Population Plan of Action and to advance United States security and overseas interests.
基辛格在报告里特别点出了梵蒂冈教廷是唯一反对《世界人口行动计划》的组织机构,该报告同时发现只有实行计生和采用堕胎的国家才能显著控制人口增长。显然,梵蒂冈和美国国内的天主教势力把这份报告当作眼中钉。当福特总统签署 NSDM 314 后,天主教势力甚至在美国政府内部动员力量,阻挠和破坏美国政府的人口政策。
可以说,由于美国国内政局的变化,基辛格报告差不多出生即夭折了,报告中给出的各项对策,无一实施。美国人口学家 Stephen D. Mumford 在其《THE LIFE AND DEATH OF NSSM 200: How the Destruction of Political Will Doomed a U.S. Population Policy》一书中,对于这一段历史做了介绍。
前文提到的联合国关于人口大会的历史文档中也特别提到,在一九八四年的墨西哥城国际人口大会上,美国就改变了其立场,认为“人口与发展无关”(considered population a neutral phenomenon for development)。虽然很多发展中国家坚决支持人口政策和计划,其他发达国家,包括挪威、瑞典和英国,也表示愿意增加对人口计划的支持。但美国声明“不会对任何有关堕胎的人口计划进行拨款”(stated its policy of not funding any programmes facilitating abortion)。
1. 译作:
"Populations with a high proportion of growth. The young people, who are in much higher proportions in many LDCs, are likely to be more volatile, unstable, prone to extremes, alienation and violence than an older population. These young people can more readily be persuaded to attack the legal institutions of the government or real property of the 'establishment,' 'imperialists,' multinational corporations, or other -- often foreign -- influences blamed for their troubles".
63. All Governments are urged, when formulating theirdevelopment policies and programmes, to take fully into account the implications of changing numbers and proportions of youth, working-age groups and the aged, particularly where such changes are rapid. Countries should study their population structures to determine the most desirable balance among age groups.
64. Specifically, developing countries are urged to considerthe implications which the combination of the characteristically young age structure and moderate to high fertility has on their development. The increasing number and proportion of young persons in the populations of developing countries requires appropriate development strategies, priority being accorded to their subsistence, health, education, training and incorporation in the labour force through full employment as well as their active participation in political, cultural, social and economic life.
2. 译作:
译作把报告原文里的“education and indoctrination”缩减为“灌输”,曲解了原文的本意。事实上,indoctrination 的汉语翻译既有“灌输”,也有“说教”。对于向未成年人普及计生知识,说教比教育更有效。
3. 译作:
33. We must take care that our activities should not give the appearance to the LDCs of an industrialized country policy directed against the LDCs. Caution must be taken that in any approaches in this field we support in the LDCs are ones we can support within this country. "Third World" leaders should be in the forefront and obtain the credit for successful programs. In this context it is important to demonstrate to LDC leaders that such family planning programs have worked and can work within a reasonable period of time.
译作在这里出现了理解错误。原文里“ones we can support within this country”一句,译作翻译成“都是我们可以在该国内部采取的方式”,还特别对“该国内部”加粗强调。但是,“this country”显然指美国自己。这一段,我在前面第一节里已经提到过,并给出了大致翻译。
最后,对比译作的“导读”部分和维基关于基辛格这份报告的文章,能看出译作部分参考了维基文章的“Key insights”。但维基是对报告全文的介绍,而译作只翻译了原作的摘要部分。参考时,不加选择照搬直译,会误导译作的读者。
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