主题:从幸灾乐祸、落井下石,到推卸责任、栽赃诬陷 -- 红军迷
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一名Dr. Harish Moorjani, Medical Director, Infectious Disease Clinic, Westchester Medical Center,印度裔(新德里大学毕业),3月7日在我们附近的公共机构跟市民谈新冠问题。此人信口雌黄,说啥不需要戴口罩,而且只有长时间接触带病毒的人才会感染。其实3月7日我们这里的New Rochelle已经有一连串感染了,此人居然还说美国没有公共传染源。更有甚者,他直接把矛头对准了中国人、中国文化、中国政府。下面是他的原话和译文(下图是他的PPT):
"...In the US we don't have common source infections. An epidemic is not going to occur here. We are not going to see 80,000 cases in this country (US). China did not give us information. It is still not sharing information. It's a closed society... (Pointing to a PPT slide) now here are the meat markets (in China), and seafood markets. Look at the amount of people in there. Look at the amount of meat being sold. Wide open. Viruses being aerosolized and inhaled in large amounts. ... And there are bats out there, there are animals out there, snakes out there, there are cats there. All that is trade. Animal trade in China. For food consumption by humans. It's unique to the Chinese culture. I think you are getting a sense of where this virus came from..."
"Many of the speaker’s claims were misguided speculations. For one thing, he spoke against wearing face masks and claimed only prolonged contact with a patient could get someone infected. Facts on the ground seem to have shown otherwise. Worse, some of his comments were outright lies that may reflect an ulterior motive. For example, he showed in a slide pictures of bats and claimed people in China trade and eat these animals, implying the virus originated from such acts. The fact is that no such habit exists in China. Furthermore, no known medical research has discovered where, when and how the virus came into being. This video is misinformation that could lead to people letting down their guard against the disease and create a toxic environment of blame and accusation or worse among citizens. I strongly recommend that you take the video down before it’s too late.
A concerned resident of Westchester County, NY"
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂我现在就奇怪为什么日本这件事上恨中国恨得牙痒痒 2 夜炎火 字341 2020-03-13 22:22:20
🙂没图你说个 ... 请直接贴恒河水 2 潜望镜 字374 2020-03-12 21:39:13
🙂我一直强调华人要结寨自保,囤积军火 8 秃鹫之翼 字658 2020-03-12 11:32:24
🙂其实在非洲的华人,很多是这样,备上家伙 4 潜望镜 字456 2020-03-12 21:43:02
🙂初战告捷 27 红军迷 字367 2020-03-12 08:59:00
🙂恒河水滋养了,抗体比较奇葩 笑熬浆糊未糊 字0 2020-03-12 08:34:27