
主题:【原创】“中国崩溃论”屡屡崩溃的根本原因 -- 比的原理

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本質上:私有制, 市場化, "正常化"



it is not so much about "压榨人民", it is more about Chinese TG 官办经济 building up infrastructure all over the china such as high way and rail system, only to "消费更多的合资和进口产品,不能促进中国的产业升级,反而压制中国的产业升级", 为人作嫁, benefiting US sp500 the most;

It looks like X (L is a running dog in a way, X is the big boss) actually or possibly understand this, he possibly wants to have 私有制, 市場化, 正常化, with that, 促进中国的产业升级, before 2030 "中国模式的终点";

with 私有制, 市場化, 正常化 and china gdp growth rate of >6%, 全世界资本家 will all come to china to kiss the ass of TG;

but without white's 宪政, legal system, intellectual rights protection, it will be more of foreign 资本家's game than mainland native Chinese 资本家, in terms of playing and benefitting from TGchina's 产业升级.

"毛林共识"= a curse to Chinese native 资本家.

混合所有制 is a start, eventually, china has to normalize/正常化 with US model, normalize with a US mananged global heatbath as said before, and if that happens, TPP=BS, nobody would care about TPP, china as the world number one 載體 economy would be unmatched by any kind of TPP;

"私有制, 市場化, 正常化"="毛林共识"的终点, eventually;

and TG has to figure out how to respect and pay for IP of us sp500, etc, and most importantly how to live a life without "毛林共识".

X's top economic brains: 刘鹤、陈锡文、林毅夫、刘世锦、李扬、蔡昉 etc;

林毅夫=copy cat, "后发" economics;

刘鹤, 刘世锦=basically "私有制, 市場化, 正常化" as the TG's next game plan to 促进中国的产业升级;

X's dilemma: how to do all these under "毛林共识" politically? then what about Uncle Sam's 顏色革命?


the way TG has been playing the game: 声东击西 or learning by doing, therefore you never really know what is the ALGO of TG's top elite, TG is full of "head fake" tricks, 摸石头过河, but who gets the 石头/money first? of course TG's elite, they know what is the latest version of ALGO of TG top, then front running it.

kind of why global human brain power can never really come and find a home in china: you can never play a "公平" game as long as TG is the ruling elite of china;

fundamentally, without the help of global human brain power, tgchina's 产业升级 is very difficult, then "copy cat", "后发" economics forever, then you can never charge premium, you always do yard sale, with little profit if any.

私有制, 市場化, 正常化=去TG化, fundamentally.


but Chinese people (majority of them?) as a whole hates "私有制, 市場化, 正常化", for people like "陈王奋起挥黄钺/hullo" " (generally referencing, no "personal meaning" of whatsoever, and I actually like their writings), they think MAO algo could develop TGchina well, and possibly helping humanity finding a new system beyond capitalism.

as I said before, the fundamental logic problem of MAO aglo is its 为人民服务 core: it is a religion, (yes, a model of historical setting for china like before Deng'time), it is not a modern social system model/prototype at all.

kind of why TG gives up on Maoism: it is not so much about the benefit of 特权阶层, TG knows china has to go 私有制, 市場化, "正常化" some how, with a Chinese style, there is no alternative, almost.

but you can not change the mindset/values of Chinese people: what to do? 打左灯, 向右拐 kind of, with all kinds of ideology confusion and BS all over Chinese media.


US game plan

economically, TG is basically trapped in US "私有制, 市場化, 正常化" operating system: if you don't run Uncle Sam's OS, you will be running out of money;

if you run US economic OS, then you will be pushed to run US political OS eventually as well, then with demise of "毛林共识", china may run into some kind of political confusion, if not a crisis.

Chinese nation has been managed under a central dictatorship for 5k years, 惯性 of huge scale;

if you break that 惯性, most likely you have risk of some kind of 加速度 turbulence.

or some kind of 顏色革命, which may be "better", at least "peaceful";

"毛林共识"=Chinese political and social culture "gene", almost for 5k years;

to change that "gene" at national level=相对论性 operation, kind of like 核聚变, 核裂变

in that sense, even 打左灯, 向右拐 is very challenging, folks like "陈王奋起挥黄钺/hullo" 不买账, so X's job is to get a political cover for L's 向右拐, so "陈王奋起挥黄钺/hullo" folks will 听指挥 and work under TG top.

of course, as always, TG top may have been confused itself.

this is kind of why TG will never make an major international move militarily in the foreseeable future, of any kinds.

you can't operate a military campaign with your brain confused(:).

all the TGchina's 国际战略 cheap talk=BS, there is no money there, period.


the other fundamental weakness of Chinese nation

tgchina does not really have brain power to perform a normal "logic and algo" discussion at society level: having been under 顶层设计 for 5 k years, other than 顶层, there is really no "brains storming" /思想解放 debate and discussions at society level, which is almost a must for a modern society, for things such as innovation at 草根 level and 产业升级 at national level, etc.

instead, away from TG top and into Chinese society at 草根 level , in stead of the science, logic and algo, it is emotional national geopolitical of Chinese traditional culture mixed with Marxism and Maoism, and all kind of brain damaging BS all over the place, basically wasting society's mind resources and going no where, excuse me.

kind of why I have been saying: have your children study physics and English, starting yesterday.


成也萧何, 败也萧何

Tgchina's 顶层设计 basically running every thing such as managing the brains of crowd, or running ideology war everyday is in a way 脑残 Chinese society and nation to some degree;

for example: do we really understand 私有制, 市場化, "正常化" and other core pieces of US algo?

is it 普世 and in what sense? Europe is actually running some kind of "socialist" version of 私有制, 市場化, getting trapped in zero growth now.


"evil" speaking, actually to have a "毛林共识" TG managing Chinese mainland forever may be in the best interest of Uncle Sam.

kind of why US political elite have long stopped talking about 普世化 china, and instead , they try to paint tgchina as some kind of 黄祸.

we will see how the next US administration handles tgchina.


the other point I want to make:

TG is often perceived as servicing or protecting TG 特权阶层 in its "打左灯, 向右拐"顶层设计

as a society's elite, 特权 comes with it; but fundamentally, like any political elite of any other nation, TG as Chinese nation's only elite, is working or at least wanting to work for the best interest of Chinese nation, that is a logical assumption.

now, the problem is not about TG's "heart or mind", we can "safely" assume that TG has a "good" heart and a bright mind.

then what is the problem? it is all about TG's historical legacy and baggage of "毛林共识", now playing this new game of "打左灯, 向右拐" under 顶层设计, under that historical 传家宝 legacy and baggage of "毛林共识", trying to command troops of "陈王奋起挥黄钺/hullo" type, etc.

and fundamentally, TG has to learn how to grow, develop and mobilize brain resources at Chinese society's 草根 level, not 顶层设计 the brain process of every Chinese crowd of X numbers.

very challenging, but I would bet that TG would make it to the point of at least some kind of 私有制, 市場化, "正常化" at national level, with a Chinese style.


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