
主题:再从5sing的疑似被封看中国经济法制的封建残余 -- 思想的行者

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US: modelling a best system

atop its many other technical capacities.


zerodark: the cellphone hacking is the key, If I remember;

that CIA's young women staffer's will power and guts;


NSA: a group of senior managers and ALGO scientists defending US constitution (they think hacking of US citizen email etc without court order is illegal, many justice department officials were against president bush as well),even they know president and congress are all "ordering" NSA to do the hacking;

still, these guys risked their families, jobs, jail time etc, in working with Media (NY times etc) to try to expose the "illegal hacking", and to stop NSA, president, congress from doing "wrong" things.

some of them went to jail, or almost, even after Obama took office, gov't still wanted these guys to go to jail.

basically, a group of scientists "red neck" of the system wants to defend system at whatever cost;


and now, even more amazingly, you have NSA chief (五星上将?) at the time and almost all the people at the time of various government levels, coming out to talk about "state secret" publicly on TV?

again, it is the US constitution that matters the most, not 中央一号文件 BS.

global capital market loves USA's this kind of transparency, certainty and lawfulness.

OMG, we have found a "home", a land of LAW and Value, let's all go to USA with our money hidden in our underwear, ass or wherever, get me there, new York, san Francisco, fuxx, why you did not tell me all these stuff last year(:).


a robust system does need elements of "red necks" as a balancing power to defend system's "values", many times.

in that sense, US has an internal 天罗地网 of its system which is the best so far globally, consisted of many people such as that CIA young women staffer, the NSA "red neck" scientists etc, these 神经元 together makes USA into a very unique system of principle, power and balance, and most importantly, growth enabler of economic and other powers to make USA as a manager of global heatbath;

externally and internationally, USA is obviously leveraging GOOG FB MSFT etc to build information 天罗地网 covering global, from TGchina to whomever enemy on their 雷達屏幕, while 输出美国价值观 and perform global brainwashing of the rest, basically modeling a 天罗地网 of the entire world.

yes, technology has just made that job much easier for uncle sam, but what is even more important: the architecture and the design of the system, and the ALGOs actually running the system 24/7


now, if you are a human talent or capitalist with a lot of assets, and you look around the globe for a "home" of your brain and money, where do you want to go? where is the that system of robust, balance, transparency, value, principle, and most importantly growth?

there can be only one such a system in this world, its currency will be global reserve currency, it will keep sucking human talent, and all kinds of capital of whatever from everywhere else. that is physics: everybody wants to stay where is the safest (the least of energy consumption, so you can live longer, and fuxx longer (:) 最小作用量原理least action principle)

and obviously, any challenger of significance to such a system must be neutralized, from sys admin's point of view.


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