主题:关于玉林事件大家如何看?窃以为背后恐怕不简单 -- 夜月空山
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去年英国的报导 :
Practice still common among farmers in areas of Switzerland
The most popular type of dog is a breed related to the Rotweiler
Commercial sale of dog meat is banned in the country, eating is not
By Allan Hall
Published: 18:00 GMT, 1 January 2013 | Updated: 10:22 GMT, 18 March 2013
.........‘There’s nothing odd about it’, a farmer told the paper. ‘Meat is meat. Construction workers in particular like eating it.’
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🙂第一条头一半还算支持,往后看。。。 8 金瞎子 字512 2014-06-27 05:59:42
🙂宠物狗和肉狗得分开。掺和到一起就是别有用心了。 1 Gr18Ni9Ti 字162 2014-06-27 06:48:35
🙂挟洋自重,装逼犯该死啊。洋鬼子现在不吃,就装犊子了。 10 Gr18Ni9Ti 字921 2014-06-24 16:01:34
🙂洋鬼子不单吃狗还吃猫 ~现在进行时
🙂狗粉之所以觉得自己有理,说到底无非就是因为 38 大脚丫 字310 2014-06-24 11:48:49
🙂洋人支持的我们就一定要反对 原手 字72 2014-06-28 11:54:41
🙂见到洋人 就下跪,挟洋自重。 Gr18Ni9Ti 字220 2014-06-24 15:42:32
🙂你说的好像无法证伪玉林事件的复杂性 1 夜月空山 字285 2014-06-24 10:38:46