主题:从狭义相对论公式看当物体超光速的时候,是否是会时光倒流? -- 思想的行者
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for the reasons said many times, I am going to write the way I have been writing, sorry for the "dark side" of it, using a lot of rough analogies to get the key & basic concepts/"model" across.
德布罗意物质波 has no media or "介质" in terms of
macroscopic physics;
for classic/macroscopic waves, we normally can figure out the physics wave equations associated with them, partially by figuring out the physics of "介质" involved.
德布罗意物质波 is still a 物质波
but the 物质 here is in terms of "mesoscopic and/or microscopic" physics, where "介质" is difficult to define in general, except for specific situations or applications such as "晶格/laatice viberations/晶格振动"/ phonon etc.
引入简正坐标,用分析力学的方法重新处理晶格振动问题. 将分析力学中的哈密顿量 ..... (1)离子-离子相互作用引起的晶格振动--声子(phonon);. (1)离子-离子相互作用 ...
薛定谔(Schroedinger): how to model 德布罗意物质波?
obviously, at his time, that was a huge challenge for humanity as a whole.
roughly speaking, his logic of guessing/modeling of 德布罗意物质波 is very logic and intuitive:
since it's hard to figure out the general "media/介质" of 德布罗意物质波, 薛定谔 starts with/or goes back to the original 色散關係 of 德布罗意物质波
物质波是"概率波", and we are talking about physics, not "social science", if 测不到"介质", then how about 测 some kind of "form" related to 粒子 in terms of "动量为p=mv,能量为E"?
色散關係 is basically about the following concept
"德布罗意是把光的这个波粒二象性的事实加以推广,提出一切微观粒子都具有波动性的大胆假设,并论证了一个动量为p=mv,能量为E的自由的粒子,相当于一个波长为λ=h/p、频率为ω=E/h、沿粒子运动方向传播的平面波(h=6.6260755×10-34Js 是普朗克常量)";
dispersion relation
roughly speaking it is about relationship between 波数/波长 & 频率
basic PDE modeling of wave function in general:
"回到波动方程,举个最简单的例子,平面波函数A*exp[i*(w*t+k*x)]。相信您学过傅里叶变换,理解为什么考虑平面波一般就够了。平面波函数对时间求个导数,哇塞,出来一个 i,进入虚数时空了!对空间位移求导,也能出 i,太神奇了。其实不光物理,工程也一样。随手翻开一本数字信号处理就会发现,Mama Mia!"
basically & roughly speaking,
波动方程 (such as those with "正弦波"解)对空间位移求导/微分: we are going after 波数/波长, similarly, if we do it a couple of times, we are going after pattern/ratios of 波数/波长 ;
波动方程 (such as those with "正弦波"解) 对时间求个导数/微分: we are going after
频率, & and if we do it a couple of times, we are going after the pattern/ratios of 频率;
and with all that, we are going after
色散關係 of "物质波", 方向正确?
with pattern or metrics of 色散關係 modeled and calculated, we then go to lab, play with a few atoms, such as 氢原子光谱: omg, 薛定谔=伟光正, global, at humanity level, 坐标系变换不变(:).
I had a post about 哈密顿 modeling and its apps in QM modeling of 德布罗意物质波.
again, roughly speaking, if in many cases, 德布罗意物质波 has no "介质"(or 介质 we can measure in the lab), then it is not really 傳播, with no 能量: in that sense, 德布罗意物质波 is a "phase wave" or travelling as 相位波 with 动量 & 概率;
here comes all the "complex numbers" related to 相位波, 超光速 etc;
"相位波"超光速 is real in terms of
"量子计算与量子逻辑门 操作上为所有可能的幺正变换,因而,对态的操作应是幺正的、 可逆的,无能量的"
自旋, dirac equation, QFT, etc
as posted before about Berry相位, "相位波/field" is still 物质波/field, possibly related to 自旋 and atom (自旋 based) interactions with the global "heatbath" in terms of QFT , etc
POV is critical to 量子计算与量子逻辑门, not sure where China(or USTC) is in that area, likely very behind.
量子力学(& 量子场论) is the best we have ever had as a 科学, at this stage of humanity, period.
3. PlaneWave-1
這就是dispersion relation(色散方程式),由dispersion relation來規範波在介質中的傳播,如果波在某介質下能傳播,就一定要滿足dispersion relation 其中k規範, ...
哈密顿力学表述形式长驱直入量子力学 - 西西河
2013年4月28日 - 哈密顿力学表述形式长驱直入量子力学 [ 晓兵 ] 于:2013-04-28 ... 赵凯华. (北京大学物理学院,北京l00871). PDF]. 创立量子力学的睿智才思.
几何相位与量子相变| Yin Zhangqi's Blog
2007年4月26日 - Berry相位,又称为几何相位,是系统的哈密顿绝热的沿着闭合的参数回路周期性的变化时,在波函数上引入的附加相位。几何相位与系统的Hilbert ...
POV, 正算子测度
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🙂在评论以前不要瞎猜我学过什么没有学过什么 思想的行者 字0 2014-04-15 03:32:08
🙂没别的意思 24 测不到的信号 字2964 2014-04-17 04:53:47
🙂如果我知道量子纠缠超光速是因为什么物质实现的 思想的行者 字365 2014-04-19 23:35:29
🙂物质波是"概率波": 测不到的信号