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Nerve Rerouting Procedure Update (Kenneth Peters, MD; Gerald Tuite, MD):This important research session examined the current study activities and outcomes on an investigational procedure that reroutes the functional lumbar motor-neurons to innervate the lower urinary tract. This nerve rerouting procedure, commonly known as the “Xiao procedure,” was discussed along with possible implications for future standards of practice and treatment.
在Xiao Procedure Jeffrey P. Blount, MD, and Gerald Tuite, MD中,注意这篇文章的作者之一就是TUITE
A total of nine patients were operated upon and their outcomes were reviewed with up to a three-year follow-up. Dr. Peters reported that two patients are no longer requiring catheterization and that seven of nine patients have some measureable return of reflex. Bowel function improved more quickly and more extensively than bladder function. Eight-to-nine patients had bilateral leg weakness initially, yet their weakness improved back to baseline such that only one patient has residual weakness. One patient has foot drop.
n addition to the Beaumont group, several groups in North America have learned the procedure and prepared a protocol for treatment. These include groups in Tampa, Fla., led by Gerald Tuite, MD, and in Atlanta, Ga., led by urologist Edwin Smith. Dr. Tuite also traveled to China to learn the surgical technique directly from Dr. Xiao. Immediately before the meeting Dr. Tuite invited Dr. Xiao to Tampa, and eight children were treated under the direction of both surgeons. Dr. Tuite’s partners and Tae Sung Park, MD, from Washington University/St. Louis Children’s Hospital also observed or participated in the surgeries. The Atlanta group has approved a protocol and has institutional review board approval, but it has not yet operated upon any patients.
The Beaumont, Atlanta and Tampa groups all agreed to halt further surgery until a unified neurosurgery/urology research design could be developed.