
主题:【原创】小崔,崔永元 -- 淡山客

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给你贴whole foods官方说明.

拿不出信息和数据来源就扣个抬杠的帽子, 然后转进如风, 这不是西西河的风格.

wholefoods centralmarket之类的我又不是不去, 跟主流grocery store比比? 这些店照样卖转基因, 而且不保证标注. 看不懂标识的正是崔永元这种只会煽情的角色, 刚闹过笑话的.

"在那些店里甚至极端大众化的店里,非转基因食品可是明确标明的。" 这是你的原话, 5年后看wholefoods能不能做到, 至于walmart safeway kroger这些"极端大众化的店", 明确标准转基因还是等崔永元这种人占领美国舆论界再说吧. 我乐见其成, 到那个时候美帝也就是一二流国家了.

"In March of 2013, we announced we would label all products in our US and Canadian stores to indicate whether they contain Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).

Since GMOs are so prevalent in the major food crops in our country — they’re a majority of US corn, soy, canola, cottonseed and sugar beets crops — this process will be challenging. But we are working hard and have committed to having labeling for all products by 2018."



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