
主题:十字坡包子店的民主法制风波 -- 唵啊吽

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今天上新闻,看到一件事:40岁的杰夫·奥尔森面临13年监禁。他做了什么?在去年的“占领华尔街”行动中,他在美洲银行(Bank of America)加州圣地亚哥城区的三个办事处外的人行道上,用水彩笔写了13处反对大银行的标语。

美国的水彩笔有两种,一种是水溶性的,用水就可以搽掉。另一种是不溶于水的,但是用丙酮也可以搽掉。丙酮在HOME DEPOT有卖,1/4加仑8块钱,1加仑17块。有个银行告诉奥尔森,他们花了6000美元清除他的标语。所以奥尔森还面临1万3千美元的罚款。



1. This is a graffiti case where the defendant is alleged to have engaged in the conduct on 13 different occasions. The trial judge has already held that, under California law, it is still graffiti even if the material can be removed with water. Most graffiti can be removed. Also, the judge and a different pre-trial judge held that the First Amendment is not a defense to vandalism/graffiti. 2. The defense is trying to make this case into a political statement, which it is not. This is just one of some 20,000 criminal cases that are referred to us annually by the police department. We have prosecutors who decide whether to issue cases. They are professionals. The City Attorney was not involved in deciding whether to issue this case as is typical practice in prosecution offices for most cases. He hadn't heard of this case until it was in the media. 3. The defense is whipping up hysteria about the prospect of 13 years in custody. This is not a 13 year custody case. It is a standard graffiti case compounded by the fact that the defendant is alleged to have done it on 13 separate occasions. Because there were 13 different occasions when the defendant allegedly engaged in the conduct, the law requires them to be set out separately in the complaint. This increases the maximum sentence, but it still is a graffiti case and nothing more. The courts routinely hear graffiti cases and handle them appropriately using judicial discretion. 4. It is not unusual for victims to contact police or prosecutors about a case. Our prosecutors are trained to focus only on their ethical standards in deciding whether to file a case. 5. We prosecute vandalism and theft cases regardless of who the perpetrator or victim might be. We don't decide, for example, based upon whether we like or dislike banks. That would be wrong under the law and such a practice by law enforcement would change our society in very damaging ways.

“1.被告是关于一个13次涂鸦的案子,根据加州法律,用可洗的水笔也是涂鸦。大多数涂鸦都可以洗掉。法官和预审法官们(? pre-trial judge)都认为,(有关言论自由的)宪法第一修正案不能应用于涂鸦。2.辩护词想把这个案子往政治言论上引,但这不属于政治言论。每年警察局都向法庭输送2万个案子,这只是其中之一。我们的检察官是专家,会决定大部分案子中,哪些案子能被送上去,而城市律师并不参与决策。他(大概是城市律师)也是从媒体中才知道这个案子。3.被告一直愤愤不平于那个13年的监禁,其实这不是一个13年的监禁,而是13次违法行为,法律要求分开处理,所以增加了总体判决年数。但是实质上仅仅是涂鸦而已。对法庭来说涂鸦是个小案子,应该能按惯例处理。4.通常受害者(这里是指银行)会接触警察和检察官。检察官训练有素,在职业道德的基础上决定哪些案子会被处理。5.我们起诉打砸抢偷这些案子,并不根据谁是肇事者,谁是受害人,比如并不根据喜欢或不喜欢银行。否则的话我们就违反了法律,把社会至于危险之中。”



美国的资本也是很聪明的。它的系统,首先自己明确表达追求利润是唯一目的。然后他做的那些坏事,在资本系统里的人,一旦要反击(比如做假账、入侵私人Email),突然发现你已经首先违约了。因为你首先就无理了,他就可以有明确的借口收拾你了。你要表达某个诉求,在己违反了某个法律的情况下,于是思想观念之类的政治罪转化成了刑事罪。你说你坚持某某理念,他说不,我们美国思想是自由的,不存在思想犯,你违反了某某法律,是刑事问题,哪怕你STOP SIGN没有停死,或者跑步的时候吐了一口痰。这样他下手就更肆无忌惮了。





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