主题:【原创】救火队成型-中国版本的08火山在前面了? -- 范进中举
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all tg has been doing so far for GDP growth, the 大棋 related investment/credit is pretty much based on "地铁修通全国" model
if "地铁修通全国"model does not make money, the investment/credit bubble will burst, the time horizon depends on the debt duration/structure, etc, among other things, but as you said, overall, debt cannot be written off, it has to be paid, paid back to tg, tg's biggest creditor is tg itself fundamentally, not foreign 資本家 yet;
so "地铁修通全国" has to make money, period, tg=資本家 too, 賠錢的生意沒人做, you want to tg 賠錢? are you too simple too nave?
2. can "地铁修通全国" make money?
before the 2008 white's 金融危機, tg might have expected that china's export boom (with a little bit of 產業升級 day dreaming as well) led economy will make "地铁修通全国" at least not losing money, if not making a lot of money;
after 2008 white's 金融危機, tg might have expected that white's economy will be bouncing back, together with tg's export boom;
now, it looks like that in the "foreseeable" future, there will be no significant "bouncing back" for a white economy which is burdened with high consumer debt/high production over-capacity, even with Fed QE first, followed by EU qe, and now with Japanese QE, leaving TG alone out there naked basically: Tg can only qe Chinese people, with 人民幣 largely only circulating domestically;
now awake from china's export boom bouncing back and 產業升級 related day dream, harsh reality kicks in, and tg has to re-set its expectations in its head with its butt sitting on an increasingly cold chair, before an another round of 摸石头过河 :
what should tg do to save the massive "地铁修通全国" investment/credit bubble from falling apart, and even more importantly preventing a largely "地铁修通全国" investment/credit bubble boosted Chinese economy from deflating?
debt write off/割肉 思想實驗
割tg 紅肉
and even with "地铁修通全国" investment/debt writing off, tg 割肉, can that tg割肉 stop a 30 year "地铁修通全国" investment model based Chinese economy from deflating further and further?
without "地铁修通全国" investment, what will reflate the 7 trillion USD/GDP Chinese economy?
2.2.2 割黑肉, after tg 割 its own 紅肉
长虹大黑? let Mr bo come out of jail?
still, after all these debt write off/割紅肉割黑肉, how do you make Chinese economy 长出新肉? if you can't make Chinese economy 长出新肉, the economy as a 耗散系统 will keep deflating=消耗自己身上肉, until it finds an equilibrium at a much lower energy level, where would that much lower energy level be?
unless hit by 相对论高能辐射, an economic system as a 耗散系统, much like a bio/human system, normally deflates slowly in a 熱力學 environment/fasion, often with very little dramatic type of pain, and sometimes with many eye-cheating 回光返照:
a 耗散系统 has often multiple equilibrium points with confusing 簡併態@each equilibrium point , very often across multiple energy levels,進一步退兩步下台階, on its overall downward deflating path in its search of the most stable equilibrium at the lowest energy level possible for the system to do survival testing .
where would be that lowest energy level? can tg/china as a very colorful 费米/化学 system survive on that energy level and for how long?
tg might be long gone before figuring out that physics homework 101, particularly if both 总参 and 軍委 all messed up with those confusing charts, after partying hard with those even more confusing 文工团 gals, can you really trust those 总参 and 軍委 folks' professional competency?
a case at the point: the above made-up story of confusing charts confused even more by those confusing 文工团 gals=a very low 效费比 system, with system' low grade output increasingly relying on high leverage of capital/financial input, pretty much like tg's "地铁修通全国" economic model: but where you can find that almost unlimited supply of the low-cost capital required by the system, even for "just an another 10" year under xl's term?
so, "地铁修通全国"要赚钱 is not even a 割肉( Tg's肉 or other Chinese folks肉) issue,
then how about 割血管?
割血管=割旧血管上新血管=a fundamental change of tg/china political and economic model, do you expect tg to do a heart transplant on tg itself, alive?
so, don't even bother asking tg to 割血管
then what is the issue?
"地铁修通全国"要赚钱=tg 一党执政 politically, and tg's "地铁修通全国" economic model must 赚钱=tg's political and economic model cannot come to a fundamental loss
and with an increasingly less competitive and less "lucky" export sector, and 產業升級 basically downgraded to a talk show day and night, the only 够得上戰役物理數量級 level economic driver/幹部 left=全国土地流轉 type of 城镇化
I would think that tg's top brass has been researching/debating on that for a while, and tg knows 全国土地流轉 type of 城镇化 will make
all the "地铁修通全国"projects 赚钱, 赚大钱, 全國經濟上台阶(and smarty "腐败" folks钱上台阶 too ) , everybody knows.
全国土地流轉: will tg do it?
for a while, tg will be still in 四处张望 phase, with "全国土地流轉"as 战略预备队, 全国土地流轉 now simply looks "too scary to do it", very scary, even for #1人精tg, still scary, not an easy call.
I guess, if eventually no good luck and no alternative found, and china's debt financed growth further slows down, 战略预备队 might go into 一号备战 mode
4. 全国土地流轉=too big a deal to fail, 只许成功 不许失败
as a hedge, tg will very likely
统一战线 with 美欧资本国际 to do this "全国土地流轉" big deal;
without hedging, if "全国土地流轉" fails for whatever reasons, such as large scale 農民 riot, it will be the last day of tg.
nobody @tg top will dare to do 8^2 with a large scale 農民 riot, I would guess: nobody wants to be a 替罪羊 with his head to be 城門上斩首示众
when "market" reopens the 2nd day after 8^2.
so, the "worst" and "tg consensus" based end case scenario for the current "地铁修通全国" investment/credit economic model/bubble:
as always 共军偵察小分队 all over the place, if no good luck, no alternative found, 中央 may have to go with "全国土地流轉" model, move on, 盤活全國經濟 first;
"臨界點"="地铁修通全国" investment/credit bubble boosted Chinese economy deflating to the point where Chinese economy stability and therefore tg's 执政合法性(and the huge tax revenue needed to finance执政) will be seriously threatened,
but how "serious" is serious? that is tg 政委's call
if it is a "go ahead", then, we will see tg start with 政治外交 big 改变 first, etc, to secure 统一战线 with 美欧资本国际;
then "全国土地流轉",战略预备队 comes in, 作戰開始
of course, the above is a pure theoretical "modeling" of china's social science for xl's 10 year term
once 统一战线 with 美欧 is established in terms of securing 美欧political "support" and fiancé capital for tg/china's城镇化 , tg will handle domestic 內戰左右派, like a piece of cake, 小菜一碟, and tg's possibly debt bubble導致的 丢失政权 will be 虚惊一场
"中国地方政府那样直接做生意" [ 晓兵 ]
领域时空:【原创】农村见闻 2013-02-19 01:14:54
土地流转与中国工农业结构双稳态发展 [ 领域时空 ]
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🙂效费比看怎么算 2 回车 字1066 2013-05-05 22:59:52
🙂投入产出是要计算的。但是,要看你设定投入产出的时间范围。 2 从头开始 字884 2013-05-03 08:33:11
🙂这个要慢慢地一步一步来,急不得,别走极端 3 xiaobailong 字269 2013-05-01 06:41:03
🙂你一句話讲清楚一个金融问题 1 晓兵 字688 2013-04-28 21:23:13
🙂你说的烂尾楼恰恰是私人企业的事情不是政府的烂尾楼 2 xiaobailong 字753 2013-04-28 15:08:54
🙂一笔勾销意味着割去一些势力身上的肉。 TopGun 字0 2013-04-27 16:12:16
🙂很对 1 种植园土 字12 2013-04-27 14:04:57