
主题:2012 大选周记 之一 -- 切地雷

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Everyone has his own bubble

How many working class Americans, blacks and Latinos do *you* know?

Many Chinese in US has deep-seated disdain for the black and Latin underclass ... from behind their middle-class bubble. Yet they don't realize how vulnerable they *really* are ... if they are backed into a corner and have to fight their way out with bare hands.

I lived thru the 1992 LA riot - I can never forget how the Korean merchants end up under siege from their angry black neighbors. Mr. Grape is right - beware of hubris. It's not yours what you can't defend. At the end, we are still guests in this country. For all we brag about our superior education and wealth, any poor black and Latino can kick our ass like they own the place - because they do. They've paid for it.

Are you gonna continue to be the rootless Jewish banker, or are you gonna take a stand, and fight for your corner?


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