
主题:【原创】美帝新一轮对欧金融攻击即将开始 -- 种植园土

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a few technical errors.


--actually, Germany/Finland/Netherland and Luxumberg still have AAA rating.

I admire your insights and past experience on Muslim nations, but when it comes to international finance, you put too much personal speculation in your analysis. Sometimes, your even twisted facts to suit your conclusion. Please do not take my comments personal.

--S&P link: http://www.standardandpoors.com/ratings/articles/en/us/?articleType=HTML&assetID=1245327294763#ContactInfo

BTW, the leading analyst on European nations are a German guy stationed in Frankfurt... Actually when I review all Moody's & SP rating staff who put forward their final reports, I notice that none of those staff are Americans: put in a simple way, European rating specialists DOWNGRADED European sovereign bonds out of their own professional judgment.

I think they did the right thing, just as the S&P president (an American) downgraded the U.S. gov. bond. Based on their technical criteria, France and America both do not deserve AAA ratings any more.


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