
主题:《茗谈》五十九:下届美国总统 -- 本嘉明

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看来实际上也脆弱的紧啊。他们唯一的优势就是相对低调,别人不知道他们具体是哪些人,在哪里,推出来的都是代理人。不过我有个好玩的想法,比如说JFK这件事情,其实遇刺之后的华伦委员会,就可以看做凶手的联谊会,因为这个报告是不能出问题的。虽然是面子活,但是也得做。从委员会名单看来肯尼迪家族的确是完全孤立了,其中有首席大法官Warren,还有Richard Russell, Jr.,这哥们三十年代就做过州长,可以说是常青树,而且是民权运动的反对者;Richard Russell, Jr.,这哥们看起来和JFK关系比较密切,在委员会里头还发出过不一样的声音;Hale Boggs,这哥们的飞机72年在阿拉斯加上空失踪了,值得注意的是,他也不赞同华伦委员会的主流观点。

此外还有大家熟悉的Dulles同学,要说这哥们没在暗杀里头插脚,估计谁也不相信了。还有后来的福特总统,他和FBI的关系比较密切;最后就是John J. McCloy,这个家伙是个关键,少了他一票就不能通过报告,我引用wiki原文:Notably, he was initially sceptical of the lone gunman theory, but a trip to Dallas with Allen Dulles, an old friend also serving on the Commission, in the spring of 1964 to visit the scene of the assassination convinced him of the case against Oswald. The only prominent lawyer among the seven commissioners, with the possible exception of U.S. Chief Justice Earl Warren, he brokered the final consensus — avoiding a minority dissenting report — and the crucial wording of the primary conclusion of the final report. 比较有意思的是,他到底是怎么被杜勒斯说服的呢?


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