
主题:衲子说因果 -- 衲子

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哎呀, 小僧罪过大了!

华兄高见, 那段德文确实不是小孩说的原话. 小孩具体说了哪些/多少德文, 贫僧还没有去挖掘. 那段话是<<少年维特的烦恼>>开篇的几句话, 贫僧信手拈来, 只为举个具体例子来加深读者印象. 唉, 一时不严谨, 成千古恨啊!

具体事例请见Ian Stevenson's books, e.g.

"Unlearned Language: New Studies in Xenoglossy"


"Xenoglossy: A review and report of a case"





关键字为 Xenoglossy (即: 说从未接触过的外语的能力)



"Ian Stevenson, M.D., Professor and Chairman Emeritus of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia, has collected and documented more than two thousand cases of children who have had a reincarnation-type experience. Many of these children exhibited xenoglossy, the ability to speak a foreign, often ancient language to which they had never been previously exposed. Usually very young, these children also knew specific and detailed facts about towns and families hundreds or thousands of miles distant and about events that occurred a decade or more ago. Half of these children came from the Western world, not India or Tibet or other areas in Asia where belief in reincarnation is common. Many of the details in these cases were carefully corroborated by Dr. Stevenson's research team."


"The parents of one young boy sought me out to talk to me about their son's ability to speak French. The child had started speaking French in phrases and sentences when he was between the ages of two and a half and three. Could this be genetic memory of some sort, the parents wondered, since there was some French ancestry on on eisde of the family? However, neither parent could speak French, and the child had not been around any French-speaking people. No relatives, household caregivers, neighbors, or friends of the family spoke French..."

接下去Weiss谈到一个心神不宁的律师母亲来找他, 因为她的四岁大的女儿举止"怪异", 有人甚至建议送这孩子去精神病院. 事情是这样的: 原先她女儿好端端的, 这母亲买了些古董钱币, 她女儿在玩弄这些钱币时忽然抓住一枚钱币说:"我认识它! 妈妈,你不记得吗? 当我是个大人, 你是个小男孩时, 我们有好多这样的钱币." 此后, 一发不可收拾, 她女儿经常提起以前怎样怎样. 她的一个心理医生朋友怀疑这孩子有精神病. Weiss在考察了这个病例的更多细节后, 自信满满地告诉那个母亲, 孩子没有精神病, 她只不过是记起了有一世她和她母亲在一起的经历. 于是这个母亲放下心来, 也理解了她女儿的行为, 不久她女儿也没再继续谈起往世的事了. (我想, 肯定刚开始这母亲惊惶失措, 根本不信她女儿的瞎扯, 于是她女儿更要说, 为使她相信. 后来她母亲相信了, 她女儿也没什么可说的了, 因为翻来覆去就是些支离破碎的记忆, 而且随着她慢慢长大, 前世的记忆越来越模糊了.)


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