
主题:【整理】占领华尔街 -- 天煞穆珏

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As I write this, Oprah is on Channel 4 (one of the MBC channels we get on Nilesat), showing Americans how to get out of debt. Her guest speaker is telling a studio full of American women who seem to have over-shopped that they could probably do with fewer designer products. As they talk about increasing incomes and fortunes, Sabrine Al-Janabi, a young Iraqi woman, is on Al Jazeera telling how Iraqi security forces abducted her from her home and raped her. You can only see her eyes, her voice is hoarse and it keeps breaking as she speaks. In the end she tells the reporter that she can’t talk about it anymore and she covers her eyes with shame.

Sabrine continuing:

“One of them, he said… I told him, ‘Please- by your father and mother- let me go.’ He said, ‘No, no- by my mother’s soul I’ll let you go- but on one condition, you give me one single thing.’ I said, ‘What?’ He said, ‘{I want} to rape you.’ I told him, ‘No- I can’t.’ So he took me to a room with a weapon… It had a weapon, a Klashnikov, a small bed {Unclear}, he sat me on it. So {the officer came} and told him, ‘Leave her to me.’ I swore to him on the Quran, I told him, ‘By the light of the Prophet I don’t do such things…’ He said, ‘You don’t do such things?’ I said, ‘Yes’.

{Crying} He picked up a black hose, like a pipe. He hit me on the thigh. {Crying} I told him, ‘What do you want from me? Do you want me to tell you rape me? But I can’t… I’m not one of those ***** {Prostitutes} I don’t do such things.’ So he said to me, ‘We take what we want and what we don’t want we kill. That’s that.’ {Sobbing} I can’t anymore… please, I can’t finish.”




即使如此,我还是抱着那么一点的希望,奥巴马上台后,有一些人,会从现在这条道路上矫正过来。但是现实再一次打脸。到了美国民众,他们终于知道事情不对了,但是他们还是不知道到底有多么的离谱。(你到底看过他们的八项要求了么?真的。与其看这些sob stories,你不如看看他们的认知只到了什么程度。)

你把个人的悲剧放大,每一个人都很惨。同为人类,这些都很容易触发我们的同情心。这是为何在西方语体里,正义女神要把眼睛蒙上。只是,在我更早就听到了那些更加“惨”的故事,更甚者,那些震耳欲聋的沉默之后,我看着这些拿着卡片的一张张影象,我第一个想法就是,too late,too little。




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