
主题:《国际生物学报》:转基因玉米对雄鼠的肾脏尺寸影响最大 -- 思想的行者

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这是篇发表在International journal biological Science的论文



We have previously reported indications of toxicity in rats fed with MON 863 GM maize for 90 days [5]. However, these signs of toxicity alone do not constitute proof of adverse health effects. We have extended our initial analysis on the MON 863 feeding data by collectively compiling the significant differences observed in the physiological and biochemical parameters measured in feeding trials of rats with each of the three GM maize varieties MON 863, MON 810 and NK 603 (Tables 1, 2; Annex Table E). When we then initially compare all p-values in our calculations with those of Monsanto (significant and non significant differences, Annex Table E), we obtain ratios of 432/452 (NK 603), 435/450 (MON 810) and 442/470 (MON 863). By employing our statistical methods even if we reached a concordance with Monsanto's results (Annex Table E), the level of precision of the main effects and their interpretation are highly different. Therefore, we then progressed to consider only relative differences over 5% (Tables 1 and 2).

在文献5中,我们曾经报道过转基因玉米MON863 GM的90天喂养老鼠所带来的有毒特性,但是那些有毒特性本身并不能构成转基因有害于健康的证据;因此,我们扩展了我们的研究范围,汇集了喂食三种转基因作物MON863,MON810,NK603的老鼠产生的各种显著的差异的生理学指标,生物化学指标,比较我们的数据和孟山都公司的数据的P值(显著差异和非显著差异,见表格E),得到的比值为432/452 (NK 603), 435/450 (MON 810) and 442/470 (MON 863). 使用我们的统计方法,即便是与孟山都公司的数据有一致倾向的数据,主要影响的精确度水平和其阐释也是高度不同的

.1. NK 603

We first evaluated the results for the NK 603 feeding trials. The observations shown in Table 1 with relative differences versus controls reveal that of 23 significantly different effects that are supposed to be due to this GM maize, 18 are in males (raw means with SEM; Annex Table F). The repartition of effects is thus sex-dependent. In addition, in general liver (Fig. 1) and kidney (Fig. 2) parameters in all rats are sex differentially expressed. This is evident not only in the experiments involving NK 603, independently of the treatment at week 14, but also at week 5 (data not shown), but similarly observed in the MON 810 and MON 863 feeding tests (Annex Fig. A- Fig. D).

Males are clearly more sensitive than female animals to show physiological disturbances when fed NK 603. This is not observed for all three GM maize varieties. Moreover, most effects appear to be dose-dependent since 83% of male effects emerge only at the 33% feeding level (15/18), the highest GM maize concentration in the diet (Table 1). The maximal mean differences are observed in male kidney parameters.

Urine phosphorus, for instance, is importantly disturbed in a dose-dependent manner and at both 5 and 14 week periods of feeding and hence reproducible over time. The significant effect at this level does not appear to be a false positive result (week 5, 33%, adjusted p<0.003 for FDR calculated according to Benjamini and Yekutieli), considering that all parameters were not independent. Comparable results were also obtained for relative lymphocyte and neutrophil differences (all for males, week 14, 33%, adjusted p<0.005).

我们首先评估了NK603的喂食实验结果,有23个明显差异与转基因的喂食有关 .18个差异为雄性老鼠表现出的差异 另外一般的老鼠的肝脏和肾脏的尺寸表现出了雌雄差异这样的数据不仅在NK603的实验被观察到,不管是5周喂食实验还是14周喂食实验,也在MON863的喂食实验中观察到雄鼠明显表现出更大的敏感性,相对于雌鼠而言,它们的生理学改变更大很多 ,这不仅在三种转基因作物的喂食中得到发现,而且大部分的差异与喂食剂量无关,有83%的雄性差异喂食水准只达到的最大喂食水准的33% (见表格1)中罗列出了最大的差异是雄性老鼠的肾脏尺寸的改变


,在这个水准上的明显的影响看起来不像是一个错误的结果,考虑到所有的指标都不是互相独立的,另外还有淋巴细胞和嗜中性白血球 的差异可以进行比较

3.2. MON 810

Feeding of MON 810 resulted in 11/15 significant effects in females (Table 2, crude means with SEM; Annex Table G), which again highlights sex-differential effects. The sex-dependency for the measured parameters in liver and kidney is observed for all rats (Annex Fig. A & Fig. B). The significant GM-maize linked effects are generally detected either after 14 weeks of consumption or at a high GM feed dose in the diet. Parameters affected relate to: blood cells, adrenal gland and kidney weights, an increase in blood urea nitrogen and higher spleen weight. Significantly disturbed parameters in males are concentrated in liver function at the 33% GM-maize feeding level in the diet, with a slight diminution in general serum albumin production. All disturbances are <20% and p-values are significant but >1% (Table 2, starred values). However, p-values adjusted for FDR are not significant.[/quote]喂食MON810的实验结果揭示了对雌鼠的明显的影响(11/15)(表2),这又是一个明显的性别差异的影响,所有的老鼠的与性别相关的肾脏和肝脏的尺寸差异见

(Annex Fig. A & Fig. B). 明显的与转基因有关的影响(不管是14周实验还是高剂量实验)的指标有血细胞肾上腺,和肾脏重量,血液中的尿素氮增加,脾脏重量增加,雄性鼠的明显受到干扰的指标包括肝脏功能(33%的剂量喂食水准),血清白蛋白产物轻微减少,所有的干扰都小于20%,p值很大>1%,然而,对于FDR修正后的P值是不明显的

3.3. MON 863

We have already described our evaluation of the MON 863 rat feeding studies [5]. Sex-dependency is well marked in this case also for the spreading of all parameters in liver and kidney (Annex Fig. C & Fig. D). The 34 significant GM-linked effects are equally distributed among males (16) and females (18). This contrasts with what is observed with NK 603 and MON 810. Nevertheless, 9/16 (56%) of males show statistically significant differences in kidney compared to 4/18 females. However, although kidney parameters represent only 37.5% of all measurements, these data show a male-specific effect in kidney function. This trend is somewhat opposite to what is seen in liver parameters where males showed significant effects in 5/16 cases whereas the rate is 9/18 in females. Male rats also appear more sensitive to kidney disturbances at the higher GM feeding dose (11 effects at 33% versus 5 at 11%).

Additional statistically significant differences include (i) a serum glucose and triglyceride increase (up to 40%) in females versus controls, together with a higher liver (7%) and overall body (3.7%) weight, (ii) elevated creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and urine chloride excretion in females, but greater variation in male kidney function (creatinine, and in urine sodium, potassium and phosphorus), (iii) up to a significant kidney weight decrease (7%) with a noticeable chronic nephropathy in males [18], (iv) a decrease (3.3%) in male body weights and (v) some liver function differences in males (albumin, globulin, as in females, plus alanine aminotransferase), although none of the FDR-adjusted p-values are significant.

Furthermore, we have also measured in this study for the first time the differences between time-related variations (at weeks 5 and 14) for this GM maize variety, at each feeding dose versus controls. We have represented these variations for each rat for all parameters. Among these, the significant variations corresponding to disturbed parameters are illustrated (Figs. 4-7). Our analysis clearly shows that female rat triglyceride levels vary between 5 and 14 weeks of feeding (Fig. 4; p=0.025). Triglyceride levels increase over time within the GM maize feeding group and whilst decreasing in the case of controls. Again in females, the increase in creatinine caused by MON 863 is more evident with longer feeding periods at an 11% level (Fig. 5; p=0.022). Another significant difference (p=0.011), which we observe is a reciprocal variation in female urine chloride excretion (Fig. 6). In the males, only urine potassium decreases over time with the consumption of GM feed but increases in controls (Fig. 7, p=0.011).

In summary, the tendency for physiological disturbance is characteristic of almost all rats of all GM-fed treatment groups, and physio-pathological profiles differ according to dose or sex.



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