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EPA finds DRINKING water with radioactive iodine-131 in Idaho and Washington — Samples collected last weekApril 4th, 2011 at 10:39 PM (http://enenews.com/epa-finds-drinking-water-radioactive-iodine-131-idaho-washington-samples-collected-last-week)
EPA STATEMENT: Update on Ongoing Monitoring, EPA, April 4, 2011:
… Today, EPA released its latest RadNet results, which include the first results for drinking water. Drinking water samples from two locations, Boise, Idaho and Richland, Washington, showed trace amounts of Iodine-131 – about 0.2 picocuries per liter [pCi/L] in each case…
Earlier precipitation samples collected by EPA have shown trace amounts of radioactivity, so EPA has expected to find results such as these in some drinking water samples. Similar findings are to be expected in the coming weeks. …
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry for Iodine, CDC, April 2004:
EPA has set an average annual drinking water limit of 3 pCi/L for Iodine-131 so the public radiation dose will not exceed 4 millirem
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🙂估计正在请示他们的米国欧洲老板 13 西南闲人 字120 2011-04-05 06:07:33
🙂让他们好好表演,这是教育世界人民的好机会! 梓童 字0 2011-04-05 05:50:29
🙂问下东电背后是那位财阀大佬啊,东电很牛啊 fwh129 字0 2011-04-05 03:52:14
🙂台巴子又在替干爹擦屁股了 3 大圣王 字76 2011-04-05 19:16:30
🙂台巴子前几天在全世界都检测到核辐射时,湾湾坚持没有测到! 梓童 字24 2011-04-05 22:33:50
🙂表嫉妒,那是人家台湾技术水平高 6 山要 字422 2011-04-06 16:33:34
🙂说句不该说的话 2 梓童 字112 2011-04-06 17:32:09