主题:【讨论】日本核灾难最新更新 -- 井底望天
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[9:47 p.m. ET Thursday, 10:47 a.m. Friday in Tokyo] A radiation reading of 20 millisieverts per hour has been recorded at a key annex building at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant – the highest yet recorded there – an official from the Tokyo Electric Power Company said Friday morning. In comparison, a typical chest X-ray exposes a person to about .02 millisieverts of radiation. A typical dose of background radiation in developed countries is about 3 millisieverts over an entire year
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🙂没准是450个押车的....... 1 闻过则喜 字100 2011-03-17 22:25:42
🙂更正一下。叶千荣那边消息说派了美军应该是不准确的。 6 抹茶红豆包 字291 2011-03-17 22:02:05
🙂一位东京机场飞到芝加哥的旅客被发现辐射超标,弄响了安检门 2 友来有趣 字306 2011-03-17 21:41:39
🙂今天在新闻里看到日本自卫队用直升飞机洒水的录像。那水洒的 4 友来有趣 字221 2011-03-17 20:49:41
🙂也看到了,感觉像是市政的在浇花。 1 古道西风 字0 2011-03-17 22:48:59
🙂也奇怪,为什么不直接扔根水管进去浇呀 如是无非 字0 2011-03-17 21:44:48
🙂可能是温度太高了吧 野狼 字28 2011-03-18 09:30:58