主题:【原创】美国视角1: 中国在朝鲜战争中的角色 -- 爱吃肉的兔子
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老兵回忆之一: 长津之战 by Jack Clifton Burkett.
背景介绍:Jack在1929年生于Clifton,Kentucky洲. 朝鲜战争爆发后,1950年,Jack从San Diego转道日本,作为美国海军陆战队第一师第三营的一名列兵,登陆朝鲜半岛。
As to the strength of the enemy, I can only assume the estimates I later read about are correct. There were said to have been about eight Chinese divisions. Most of the enemy wore padded, quilted, cotton coats and hats that had flaps that covered their ears. On many occasions, tennis shoes were the only protection for their feet. I assume their suffering from the cold was much worse than what we experienced. In fact, I do not know how they kept from freezing to death or suffering severe frostbite, which many did. Many that were taken prisoner had the worst cases of frostbite ever seen. Even for a hated enemy one had to feel sorry for them.
The weapons they used were a mixture of anything they could find. The most irritating situation was finding dead Chinese with Thompson submachine guns. These were American-made weapons being used by the enemy against us. We had apparently given the Chinese these weapons at some prior time. It could have been World War II or during the communist take-over, having then been lost by soldiers to Shang Kai Shek. It is also possible that some of them were provided by the Russians, being given to the Russians by us in World War II. Finally, it is possible that an American company sold them to China.
他们使用的武器也是五花八门。最让人生气的是发现冻死的志愿军战士身边的Thompson冲锋枪。志愿军用美国制造的武器攻击美国人(注:Jack大概无视或是不知道美国在中国内战中的军援杀死多少无辜的中国人 )。很明显早些时候我们支援了中国人这些武器。他们可能是二战时美国的援助,或者美国在中国内战的军援,被蒋介石的士兵丢给了共产中国。甚至可能来自苏联二战时从美国得到的军援。最后,当然也有可能是美国公司卖给中国人的(注:看来Jack对美国商人没好感)。
Even as much as we hated these enemy soldiers, one had to admire their courage. They kept moving forward toward our defenses even into almost certain death. I assume, however, that they would have been killed by their leaders if they had not. Their method of fighting was almost exclusively to sneak or crawl up to our lines in the dark and hope to overrun us in the confusion. They felt that this would terrorize us by not knowing where they were or in what number. They were willing to sacrifice untold numbers in order to make this method of fighting successful.
An hour or so after the sun came up, we ventured out to see if there were any living Chinese. I could only see frozen bodies. On one of them nearest to me, and therefore one I could have killed since he was closest to my position, I saw a pocket watch. I took it from his body for a souvenir and I still have it today. It has a Chinese inscription inside the front cover. Someday I intend to have it interpreted. On the inside of the back cover it reads, "International Dispensary Shanghai." He may have worked for a dispensary that we had established there at some time in the past. The back of it reads "15 Rubis-J. Ullmann & Co.-Shanghai." Below that is another Chinese inscription.
(在长津某个夜晚,中国人攻击撤退后,)当太阳升起一个小时后,我们出来看看有没有活着的中国士兵。我能看到只有冻僵的遗体。在离我战斗位置最近的地方,因而可能是被我杀死的中国士兵中的一个,我看到一个怀表。我取下来作为纪念,现在也还在(注:是我军连队指挥官的可能很大,也可能是新参军的上海青年,20军和27军在上海有新兵)。它前面表盖上有汉字铭文。也许有一天我会找人翻译一下。在表后盖上刻着: 上海国际药房。也许阵亡者曾经在我方(美国)建立的药房工作过。表的后面还刻有 "15 Rubis-J. Ullmann & Co.-Shanghai."字样,下面还有汉字铭文。
We received air, tank, and artillery support. The air support at all times was a tremendous advantage to us. Our fighter planes completely dominated the skies. The enemy seldom fought in the daytime, probably due to our air superiority as well as our superior weapons and fire-power. Another type of "air support" was in the form of helicopters. This was the major means of transporting our wounded to medical facilities. They were strapped to the outside of the helicopter on their stretchers. This was used by all units to move our wounded.
When I had the chance to reflect on what I had just been through, I was sad and depressed to think of all the Marines that were killed in the Chosin Reservoir. I wondered why in the hell we were in this god-forsaken land in the first place. I was also unhappy with the thought that we had been driven back by the enemy. At that time I would never have believed that this could happen to Marines。
当我有机会反思我所经历的一切,当我想起在长津之战中阵亡的海军陆战队队员, 我非常难过和压抑。我首先想知道为什么我们会到这个上帝遗忘的地方去战斗。当我想到我们是被敌人赶走时我也很不高兴。那个时候真的让我难以置信这个(失败)会发生在美国海军陆战队身上(注:如果天气暖和点,如果26军及时赶到,20军和27军后勤稍微好点,如果炮兵稍微多点,如果不是想全歼敌人的话,任何一种可能,陆战队一师都要到大霉。恐怕就轮不到作者感叹了)。
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🙂彭是很本色的一个男人 走路走路 字68 2011-05-08 06:04:57
🙂不能宝推,花上。 1 2313234454dfsd 字0 2010-06-12 01:17:15
🙂谢啦。 爱吃肉的兔子 字18 2010-06-12 12:31:53
🙂【原创】美国视角3: 老兵回忆之长津之战-1
🙂看着像他们打赢了似地。老美也阿桂 我是红老虎 字0 2010-06-10 06:17:45
🙂当时不是有一句名言吗 3 duanjian 字36 2010-06-10 18:05:16
🙂转进一词似乎来自日军 黄河故人 字0 2011-05-09 10:08:11
🙂“转进”又不是国军的专利。 艾卡特 字0 2011-05-09 08:27:20