
主题:【原创】美国视角1: 中国在朝鲜战争中的角色 -- 爱吃肉的兔子

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【原创】美国视角2: 美国空军的作用评估(上)

接上文。摘自“朝鲜战争:中国的介入" by Harry M. Crocker.作者是美军上士,就职于路易斯安娜州第二装甲步兵团情报分析部门.上士对美国空军和中国的后勤补给有很具体的分析,对中国军队的评估和弱点分析对今天的中国军队和美国军人都是有借鉴意义的。



Throughout these offensive operations in Korea, the Chinese were plagued by UNC air

power. UNC air strikes proved extremely effective at inflicting casualties on the CPVF. On December 30, 1950, a UNC air raid reduced two regiments of the Chinese 1st Artillery Division to twenty-four guns when it caught them in movement. 228 During the 3rd offensive, Hong Xuezhi also reported to Zhou Enlai that the CPVF had, suffered extremely heavy losses to enemy air raids.


UNC air strikes also succeeded in crippling the CPVFs logistical support of its combat

formations. During the 4th offensive, the UNC had reduced the CPVFs material re-supply by

60-70 percent. By April 1951, the CPVF supply lines, which had achieved a length of 300-400

kilometers, suffered continual disruption and CPVF engineers were unable to keep the Yalu

River bridges operational due to UNC air strikes. UNC air raids also caused CPVF supply units to lose contact with the combat formations and further delayed the delivery of much-needed supplies. Though the Chinese expanded their air forces in response, they were unable to project this air power to the forward battle areas. The same UNC air strikes, which impeded the resupply of CPVF combat formations, rendered the Chinese incapable of supplying fuel and ammunition to forward air bases in quantities sufficient to support forward basing of their fighter aircraft. As a result, they were forced to remain in the rear, where they could not provide effective air cover.


Reduced supply had a concomitant effect on combat operations. Not only did CPVF

units find it impossible to sustain their offensive operations without rations, but they also suffered grievous casualties due to exposure to the elements. The effects of the CPVFs inability to provide adequate winter clothing reached critical proportions during the 3rd offensive. Cold weather injuries rendered the entire Chinese 586th Infantry Regiment (196th Infantry Division)

combat ineffective. The 116th Infantry Division suffered over 2,000 casualties to exposure.

Many other regiments and battalions also reported they were combat ineffective and some

divisions reported that the extreme cold had reduced them to 50 percent strength. The

resulting losses to exposure, and the Chinese failure to provide replacements in a timely manner, greatly extended the time required for the reconstitution of CPVF combat formations. This proved to have an increasingly detrimental impact on Chinese operations as the war dragged on.



关键词(Tags): #美国视角(嘉英)#朝鲜战争(嘉英)#美国空军(嘉英)通宝推:国林风,daharry,

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