
主题:阿帕奇伊拉克打火鸡 -- 乡下大西瓜

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国防部长Gates先生上ABC的This week接受采访,不可避免也谈到了这段录像。采访连接如下:http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2010/04/gates-on-wikileaks-video-not-helpful-but-should-not-have-lasting-consequences.html

TAPPER: Secretary Gates, WikiLeaks recently released a video that showed U.S. troops killing some civilians in Iraq. I understand the fog of war, and I understand that -- that this was a very difficult situation. Does the release of that video, and the fact that that happened damage the image of the U.S. in the world?

GATES: I don't think so. They're -- they're in a combat situation. The video doesn't show the broader picture of the -- of the firing that was going on at American troops. It's obviously a hard thing to see. It's painful to see, especially when you learn after the fact what was going on. But you -- you talked about the fog of war. These people were operating in split second situations.

And, you know, we -- we've investigated it very thoroughly. And it's -- it's unfortunate. It's clearly not helpful. But by the same token, I think -- think it should not have any lasting consequences.

既然明说“it should not have any lasting consequences”, 后面的发展就可想而知了。不过真得会如他所说,对美国的形象,特别GLA的形象没长久影响?毕竟人心如镜。


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