
主题:Glenn Beck在Fox新闻关于毛泽东的一段视频 -- 冰弹

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Disagree with your comments

First of all, I have to say I like most of your analysis about the culture, politics,and economics on western countries,very impresive indeed.

Mao's atrocity is out of question, as well as his great contribution and achievement for China.
No one ever denied nor igored the difficulty the whole nation has experienced, it is,however, still way too imprudent and frivolous to conclude it as " Mao's atrocity".

I feel so lucky that I did not live under Mao's China.
, Not really many people I know of would like to live in that era either, but

Who knows, you and I might just be one of those disappearing "60m". One death is the loss of a lovely life, two death is just a statistic (Stalin).

You talked exactly the same way as the left-wing liberals, and quite honestly, disturbing.

Today's Chinese had a fading memory of cultural revolution and started to be nostalgic about romanticized Mao era.

Today's Chinese are more open minded. Discussing the achievements in Mao era is simply an effort to counter the excessive demonization of Mao which was sadly very "popular" even among our fellow chinese after China adopted reform-and-open policy. Marking those discussion with "to be nostalgic about romanticized Mao era", is itself agaist the very idea of freedom of speach. I personally think it is one kind of imperialism.

You may want to read some of 葡萄's or 陈郢客's articles posted in this forum about what happened and why that happened at that period of time as you refered as "Mao'era". I am not saying that whatever they expressed was 100% correct, but it's always wise to hear both sides of stories, isn't it?


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