主题:【原创】NMD与中国陆基中段反导 -- 晨枫
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Minuteman-III MIRV launch sequence:
1. The missile launches out of its silo by firing its 1st stage boost motor (A).
2. About 60 seconds after launch, the 1st stage drops off and the 2nd stage motor (B) ignites. The missile shroud is ejected.
3. About 120 seconds after launch, the 3rd stage motor (C) ignites and separates from the 2nd stage.
4. About 180 seconds after launch, 3rd stage thrust terminates and the Post-Boost Vehicle (D) separates from the rocket.
5. The Post-Boost Vehicle maneuvers itself and prepares for re-entry vehicle (RV) deployment.
6. The RVs, as well as decoys and chaff, are deployed during backaway.
7. The RVs and chaff re-enter the atmosphere at high speeds and are armed in flight.
8. The nuclear warheads detonate, either as air bursts or ground bursts.
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😁美国的最多也就是 闪电式 字17 2010-01-16 22:55:05
🙂晨兄可以补充一点 1 路人 字152 2010-01-13 11:17:38
🙂这个很有问题 1 李诗雅 字128 2010-01-14 06:18:34
🙂问题是这不是通常说的中段拦截 李诗雅 字88 2010-01-16 22:07:47
🙂哦?为啥刚才可以给晨大送宝,现在却有如下提示了? 大道至简 字187 2010-01-14 11:43:32
🙂给“路人”的图文并茂献花送宝。 1 大道至简 字124 2010-01-14 11:42:30
🙂谢谢指出,这点很重要 晨枫 字0 2010-01-13 19:26:54