
主题:贴,贴, -- 虽远必诛

  • 共: 💬 21 🌺 5

Xie 1994 {published data only}

Xie XL, Jiang BD, Chen YH, Zeng MH, Zhang SM, Feng GX.

Clinical observation on Shengqiaoergan granule in treating 405 cases

with acute upper respiratory tract infection. Yunnan Yi Yao 1994;15


Xie 1995 {published data only}

Xie CZ, Wang XY. Observation on Shuang Huanglian powder in

treating 60 children with upper respiratory tract infection. Zhejiang

Zhong Yi Xue Yuan Xue Bao [Journal of Zhejiang College of TCM]


Xie 2003 {published data only}

Xie HM, Xie WY. Bai Hua She She injection for treating 62 acute

upper respiratory infections. Zhong Guo Zhong Yi Ji Zheng [Journal

of Emergency Traditional Chinese Medicine] 2003;12(1):76.

Xie 2008 {published data only}

Xie SL. Effective observation on Shanggan mixture and Yanhuning

powder injection in treating upper respiratory tract infection. Zhong

Guo Zhong Yi Ji Zheng [Journal of Emergency in Traditional Chinese

Medicine] 2008;17(2):154–74.

Xin 2007 {published data only}

XinWC. Clinical effective observation on Xiyanping injection treating

children with upper respiratory tract infection. Zhong Guo Yi

Liao Qian Yan [China Healthcare Innovation] 2007;2(8):92–105.

Xing 2003 {published data only}

Xing LJ, Wang HY. Observation of effect of Esu oil and glucose

injection in treating childhood acute upper respiratory tract infection.

Zhong Guo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Er Bi Yan Hou Ke Za Zhi [Chinese

Journal ofOtolaryngology Integrated Traditional andWesternMedicine]


Xiong 2007 {published data only}

Xiong XJ, Xiong LJ. Clinical observation on Ge Gen Tang (mixture)

in treating upper respiratory infecting. Hu Bei Zhong Yi Za Zhi

[Hubei Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine] 2007;29(5):25–6.

Xu 1996 {published data only}

Xu QG. Shuang huanglian in treating 120 cases with acute upper

respiratory tract infection with fever. Shandong Yi Yao 1996;36(1):


Xu 2001 {published data only}

Xu FZ, Mao CF. Effective observation on Caihu in combination

with Tainuoling in treating 78 children with upper respiratory tract

infection with fever. Handan Yi Xue Gao Deng Zhuan Ke Xue Xiao

Xue Bao [Journal of Handan Medical College] 2001;14(5):403.

Xu 2002 {published data only}

Xu CY. Observing the effect in treating infant acute upper respiratory

tract infection by intravenous drip with houttuynine sodium

injection. Hebei Yi Xue [Hebei Medicine] 2002;8(4):326–8.

Xu 2004 {published data only}

Xu HX. Clinical observation on Aisu breathing feet in treating 80

children with acute upper respiratory tract infection with fever. Shi

Zhen Guo Yi Guo Yao [Lishizhen Medicine and Materia Medica Re-

search] 2004;15(8):507.

Xu 2007 {published data only}

Xu XW, Ni YM. Xuanfeijiebiaofa in treating 40 cases with upper

respiratory tract infection. Shan Xi Zhong Yi [Shaanxi Journal of

Traditional Chinese Medicine] 2007;28(4):387–8.

Xue 2000a {published data only}

Xue XM, Duan TX, Hou XB. Qingyanling spray in treating childhood

upper respiratory infection. Xinxiang Yi Xue Yuan Xue Bao

[Journal of Xinxiang Medical College] 2000;17(2):137–8.

Xue 2000b {published data only}

XueXM,DuanTX,Hou XB,Chen YJ. Qingyanling spray in treating

120 cases with childhood upper respiratory tract infection. Henan

Zhong Yi Yao Xue Kan 2000;15(3):38–9.

Xue 2001 {published data only}

Xue YF, Zhao JB, Zhang J, Xia X, Wang MC. Observations on curative

effects of Qingdutuire decoction powder on 480 cases with

acute upper respiratory tract infection. Zhong Guo Zhong Xi Yi Jie

He Ji Jiu Za Zhi [Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional andWestern

Medicine in Intensive and Critical Care] 2001;8(4):228–30.

Yan 2002 {published data only}

Yan B. Effective observation on Eshu oil in treating virus upper respiratory

tract infection. Hangzhou Yi Xue Gao Deng Zhuang Ke Xue

Xiao Xue Bao [Journal of Hangzhou Medical College] 2002;23(1-2):


Yan 2007a {published data only}

Yan FY, Pang FY. Effective observation on Yanhuning injection and

ribavirin in treating children with acute upper respiratory tract infection

with fever. He Bei Yi Yao [Hebei Medical Journal] 2007;29(8):


Yan 2007b {published data only}

Yan XD, Chen LZ, Zhang HM. Shuanghuanglian injection in treating

120 cases with upper respiratory tract infection. Zhong Yi Yao

Dao Bao [Guiding Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Phar-

macy] 2007;13(7):65–81.

Yan 2007c {published data only}

Yan FY, Zhang XQ, Qi BQ, Chang H. Effective observation on Xiaoer

Qingrening granule and Shuanghuanglian oral liquid in treating

children with acute upper respiratory tract infection with fever. He

Bei Yi Yao [HeBei Medical Journal] 2007;28(4):359–60.

Yang 1999b {published data only}

Yang JF. Observation of therapeutic effect of Qingkailing on upper

respiratory tract infection. Henan Zhong Yi [Henan Traditional Chi-

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Yang 2000a {published data only}

Yang CX, Yan TY. Clinical study for Re Du Jing in the treatment

of upper respiratory tract infection of flu virus. Beijing Zhong Yi

[Beijing Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine] 2000;4:17–8.

Yang 2001 {published data only}

Yang XD, Li P. Effective analysis of Xinhuang pill in treating upper

respiratory tract infection with fever. Xian Dai Zhen Duan Yu Zhi

Liao [Modern Diagnosis and Treatment] 2001;Suppl 1:56.

Yang 2002 {published data only}

Yang XD, Li P. Effective study of Xinhuang pill in treating upper

respiratory tract infection with fever. Shi Yong Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Lin

Chuang [Practical Clinical Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese

Medicine] 2002;2(5):4.

Yang 2004 {published data only}

Yang SQ. Clinical observation on shuang Huanglian oral liquid in

treating 44 children with acute upper respiratory tract infection. Fu-

jian Yi Yao Za Zhi [Fujian Medical Journal] 2004;26(5):113.

Chinese medicinal herbs for the common cold (Review) 25

Copyright 2009 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd.

Yang 2005 {published data only}

Yang ZH, Xu Y, Huang YH. Clinical safety observation on Yuxin

grass injection single-dropping application. Zhong Guo Quan Ke Yi

Xue [Chinese General Practice] 2005;8(1):57–8.

Yang 2007a {published data only}

Yang XH, Gao ZW, Liu CX, Lan XC. Effective observation on Pudilan

oral liquid in treating children with acute upper respiratory tract

infection. Xian Dai Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi [Modern Journal of

Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine] 2007;16(25):


Yang 2007b {published data only}

Yang Y. Safety and effective observation on Reduning injection in

treating children with acute upper respiratory tract infection with

fever. Zhong Guo Yi Yao Dao Bao [China Medical Herald] 2007;4


Yang 2007c {published data only}

Yang XJ. Comparison of effects of Yanhuning and ribovirin on acute

upper respiratory infection. Zhong Yi Yao Dao Bao [Guiding Journal

of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy] 2007;13(6):33–45.

Yang 2007d {published data only}

Yang JL, Su JP. Clinical observation on Yanhuning injection in treating

children with acute upper respiratory tract infection. Shan Xi

Zhong Yi Xue Yuan Xue Bao [Journal of Shanxi College of Traditional

Chinese Medicine] 2007;8(3):30.

Yang 2007e {published data only}

Yang XC. Effective observation on Yujin injection in treating acute

upper respiratory tract infection. Yi Yao Lun Tan Za Zhi [Journal of

Medical Forum] 2007;28(12):117.

Yao 2001 {published data only}

Yao JC,HuGH,HuCY.Clinical effect observation onChuanhuning

in treating children acute upper respiratory tract infection. Xian Dai

Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi [Modern Journal of Integrated Traditional

Chinese and Western Medicine] 2001;10(18):1743–4.

Yao 2003a {published data only}

Yao XQ. Effective observation on Yinqiaobaihu soup in treating 40

cases with upper respiratory tract infection with fever. Zhong Hua

Shi Yong Zhong Xi Yi Za Zhi [Chinese Journal of the Practical Chinese

with Modern Medicine] 2003;3(11):1659.

Yao 2003b {published data only}

Yao L. Effect comparison of heat-cleaning detoxicfy injection and

penicillin in treating upper respiratory tract infection. Zhong Guo

She Qu Yi Shi [Chinese Community Doctors] 2003;19(12):29.

Yao 2005 {published data only}


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