
主题:【原创】水浒英雄赞 -- (一) 最爱鲁智深 -- 西柠

  • 共: 💬 55 🌺 24

RULE #1: 自身的条件不要太差。我指的是与人交往,自己的学识以及经济状况。一



RULE#2: 要选好对象。要找一些受过大学教育的。一般来讲,UNEDUCATED AMERICAN GIRLS are more likely to discriminate other races. Those who have been through at least college are more open to other races.

RULE#3: You need to find girls who are more 外向(outgoing)。These girls are more likely to go out with you like hiking, travel, camping, etc. Then

you have chances.

RULE#4: Don't go after your colleagues. I sometimes broke this rule myself and I was burned once. You know what will happen if the woman really falls into it and works at the same place with you. That was really a nightmare for me.

RULE#5: 要善于投其所好and 甜言蜜语。I believe everyone know this.

RULE#6: Don't go after Chinese girls, especially if you have an American wife. I have to say that many Chinese 骨子里are 崇洋媚外。If you have an

American wife, I believe most Chinese girls will stay away from you. Besides, American girlfriends are easier to get rid of once you want to bring an

end to the relationship. You don't want to mess around and end up with your 情人showing up in front of your wife.



1)女人好幻想,用你的语言工夫把她带到一个白马和白雪的世界. 让她沉醉在梦幻中,放心大胆的开空头支票,你就是未来 Bill Gates ,你怕谁。

2,女人好哄,拿出李莲英对付西太后的工夫来,投其所好, 在鞍前马后的无微不至中占据芳心。

3女人好虚荣,置两身好行头,时不时送些不值钱没有用但花里胡哨的, 小礼物,准能哄她开心。




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