主题:【原创】四面楚歌之南亚篇 印度洋之大博弈之一 -- 井底望天
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that America won this time again.
Burma is fence-sitting again. Singapore, America's strongest ally, still controls China's throat.
Clear conclusion: China was still in the hand of America.
本嘉明:【原创】《李锅(22)》:井大专稿,第1页- 西西河
Easy to say than to implement. China gave so much help to Burma, now we were dumped again after the visit of a small US senator.
All neighbors around China are not loyal allies of China.
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压缩 2 层
🙂在克拉地峡修运河属于 金石 字166 2009-08-24 21:28:32
🙂那倒不一定,除了安全原因 井底望天 字60 2009-08-24 22:09:12
🙂马六甲运力不足,直接走龙目或者巽他海峡,地峡运河多此一举 Redbee 字0 2009-08-25 02:45:58
🙂I have to say
🙂上个缅甸的行政规划图,井大可以对照一下 1 土豆丝 字513 2009-08-24 19:34:45
🙂花!顺带提个问题....... Sioux 字151 2009-08-24 19:20:08