主题:儿子毕业了 -- 马拉的邻居
- 共: 💬 13 🌺 44
consider the consequence 掂量后果
have fun 玩好
come from your heart 由衷
do you best 尽力而为
trust yourself 相信自己
participate 掺和
live in the present 今朝有酒今朝醉
dream 做梦
value your freinds 兄弟是手足
be kind to everyone 你好我好大家好
do the right thing 要当右派
wellcome all experiences be different 兼容并蓄
keep your agreements 拉勾上吊
love unconditionally 无条件的爱(耶稣?我对儿子虽然把这句话挂嘴上,其实知道是吹牛。还是爱不求回报现实些)
be yourself 我行我素
think 思考
ask questions 提问
have clear intentions 知道自己想干嘛
take care of your spirit
take care of your body
take care of your mind 德智体全面发展
be still 静若处子
take action 动若脱兔
be willing to accept 愿赌服输
exceed expectations 好的吓死你
listen 听好了
keep an open mind 脑袋要开明(但不要开的脑子掉下来)
take responsibilities 承担责任
never fear 难道我是吓大的!
acknowledge others 承认感谢他人(的贡献)
be humble 不要自我膨胀
be generous 仗义疏财
continue to learn 活到老,学到老
don't procrastinate 别磨蹭
be willing to change 不要死脑筋
come from abundance 革命的乐观主义(感谢鹰击长空河友的指教)
serve 为XX服务
tell the truth 老实交代
take risk 不入虎穴焉得虎子
be positive 天天向上
do not judge 不要以小人之X度君子之X
keep it simple (and silly) 所谓KISS, 大事化小,小事化了
forgive 不要睚眦必报
value your family 金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝
never give up 王八咬秤砣
protect planet earth 保卫地球
make peace 和稀泥
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