
主题:【求助】关于志愿军打美军空降兵的战例 -- 萨苏

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看样子打的更可能是第1空降游骑兵连,该连当时配属米军第二师,在萨大文中提到的作战地域,并且在5月20日左右伤亡重大,下文中家属提到被围攻和May Massacre

1st Ranger Infantry Company (Airborne)

1st Ranger May Massacre

On Sun, 15 Jun 1997

Updated 2 Jul 1999

Chris or Jack Adkison Email address wrote:

phone: 803 593-3749 (Jack)

My Father and I were going through any and all documents availible for

information on my uncle Cpl. Harold F Adkinson.

He and my Dad were very close. My Dad has s[ent a great deal of time

over the last few years trying to piece together what happened on that

fateful night.

He became missing on the night of May 19, 1951 during the May Massacre.

His unit (1st Ranger Company (Airborn) had been surrounded by the

Chinese near Hill 710 close to Kumagol. They were retreating in a

"moving box" artillery barrage. It is our understanding that this was

close to the "no name line".

My Father has interviewed numerous friends and comrades of Harold's but

no one is sure what happened to him. If you could gather any

information on him or the places mentioned above we would appreciate

your help.


Chris and Jack Adkison

[email protected]


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