主题:【原创】谁的黄昏 -- 黑岛人
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英文wiki里关于rule of law词条里关于中国是这样一段话
In the Anglo-American legal tradition rule of law has been seen as a guard against despotism and as enforcing limitations on the power of the government. In China, the discourse around rule of law centers on the notion that laws ultimately enhance the power of the state and the nation, which is why the Chinese government adopts the principle of rule by law rather than rule of law
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🙂法制和法治的区别是中国律政JY发明的 2 雷声 字177 2008-12-07 06:23:32
🙂你那是洋奴哲学 2 夜精灵小赵 字168 2008-12-07 19:51:39
🙂法制与法治的区别,不只是中国大陆人这么讲。 夜精灵小赵 字84 2008-12-07 19:51:25
🙂这是某河友抄给我的某律政JY雄文 2 雷声 字2591 2008-12-07 20:36:54
🙂的确是你英文理解的问题 猪头笨笨 字1530 2008-12-07 21:39:31
🙂老兄你的翻译有误 科大胡不归 字1231 2008-12-08 12:28:58
🙂谢谢科大指正,最后一句话我的确没有搞太明白 猪头笨笨 字235 2008-12-08 17:09:15