主题:【原创】我是如何提前还房贷的(上) -- 忘情
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Life belongs to oneself. Parents are only those who bring one to this world. This might be simply my opionion about life. However, it is always too heavy to live for other people. I ever told my parent in very early time, that I would leave them and explore my own life. My mom, pretty forward, ever said, she didn't care whether her sons get married or not. Her duty was to raise them up, not bother to worry about grandchildren.
As Wangqin, I feel like he chose wife in a wrong way - he has to look for wife from those who can get along with him, which means she should have similiar educational background, and similiar familiy background. Now it appears his apartment becomes the obstacle of his marriage - Believe me, he will soon get a wife if he has the courrage to donate this aparment to Xiwang Gongcheng. The aparmtent, more or less affects his attitdue about wife choice.
I would take my classmates as exmaples to show this. None of my high school classmates in Nanchang have their own apartments before marriage. I don't think they can afford that expense of purchasing an apartment with their poor salary. 160,000 Yuen would be a huge number for most of the Chinese citizens who are the permanent residents of Nanchang. To my understanding, the important thing for a girl to sign a contract with you is to let the girl actually see the hope and happiness of staying together with you, instead of the current living conditions.
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🙂三明治热热不是也更好吗? 1 波波粥 字236 2008-11-27 12:10:27
😥del 四方城 字10 2008-11-13 09:01:27
🙂单位上没条件,而且父母 忘情 字150 2008-11-13 03:17:52
🙂没到时候嘛 1 大溪水 字220 2008-11-29 10:26:21
🙂上面数字单位用错鸟…… 大溪水 字112 2008-12-02 02:34:20