主题:请教各位一个关于美国国债的问题. -- wolfgan
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"Technically, it's bankrupt, with gigantic off-balance-sheet derivatives positions whose value it cannot possibly know," he says. Though he believes some large banks can and will go under in the next year or two under the weight of billions of dollars worth of bad loans and blown-up derivatives positions, he doubts the government will allow Citi or Fannie to fail. "They'll nationalize them in some way. It's wrong, but they can't let the two largest lenders in the nation go down."
The fund manager, who has traveled extensively in emerging markets and lives part of the year in Asia, says sovereign wealth funds in Abu Dhabi and Singapore that recently made large investments in Citigroup and UBS AG (UBS, news, msgs) are likely to lose a lot of money on their ploys. "They're making a big mistake; these banks have many more problems still ahead. They should wait until these companies are really on the ropes a few years from now . . . and trading at $5 a share."
But aren't they supposed to be the smart money? Maybe not. "I know these people, and they have never given me the impression that they're smarter than anyone else," Rogers says. "They have gigantic amounts of money, but they've made a bad judgment in these cases."
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂美国政府救援花旗 可能循AIG模式运作 wolfgan 字436 2008-11-23 01:29:29
🙂花旗从此将大大吸引我们的眼球. 4 wolfgan 字2599 2008-11-23 23:24:13
😉花旗要是再倒了,GLA热闹揍大了 老狼啸月 字0 2008-11-24 04:31:14
🙂不止罗杰斯,其实很多人都预测过花旗有可能倒掉. wolfgan 字56 2008-11-24 00:08:33
🙂难怪奥巴马摆出一幅要抢钱的样子,美国确实很缺钱. wolfgan 字341 2008-11-20 23:49:44
🙂缺钱下的美国对中国的动作. 2 wolfgan 字755 2008-11-21 00:29:13
🙂怎么样向中国要钱,估计奥巴马正头疼中. 1 wolfgan 字216 2008-11-21 00:32:12