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达赖喇嘛与9/11 -达赖和纳粹、东京毒气子麻原等恐怖分子的亲密


大家都对Brad Pitt演Seven Years In Tibet这部电影有影响吧?他演的那个任达赖外教的人,在现实中叫Heinrich Harrer,一个纳粹党卫军军官,Seven Years In Tibet是他写的自己在西藏的经历。

Instead of this he has cultivated friendly contacts with people such as the ex-SS men Bruno Beger (convicted as helping to murder more than 86 Jews) and Heinrich Harrer, author of Seven Years in Tibet (a chronicle of his experience with the Dalai Lama over seven years prior to his exile to India).



鲜为人知的还有,和达赖喇嘛和还有法国的名的东方学家、时轮大法专家、坚定的反犹主义者、何党卫军合作者Jean Marquès-Rivière的联系,前智利外交官、一个基于密宗和关于香巴拉武士的想法的极端种族主义社团的鼓吹者Miguel Serrano也数次拜会达赖。

Nearly unknown until now are the contacts of the Dalai Lama with the French SS-collaborator, convinced anti-Semite, recognised Orientalist and Kalachakra Tantra Expert Jean Marquès-Rivière (in his absence convicted and given the death sentence for turning Jews over to the Gestapo in France). The founder of an esoteric Hitler movement the ex-Chilean diplomat Miguel Serrano (promoter of an extremely racist SS-mysticism, which is based on Tantric practices and on the idea of the Shambhala Warriors) met the Dalai Lama four times.


Well known became his relationship with the Japanese terrorist, Shoko Asahara, whom he described, even after the Tokyo sarin gas attacks, as his "friend, albeit an imperfect one”. Only later he did distance himself from the Guru. Asahara's Doomsday Philosophy was mainly influenced by the Shambhala Ideology and by Tibetan Tantrism.


Yes, it is astonishing why the Jewish Community is so uncritical vis-à-vis the Dalai Lama. On 09.04.03 the Swiss Newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung reported, that the Tibetan religious leader said on a journey in Jerusalem,

Hitler would also have the potential of a good man in himself. Hitler was not born as a wicked man, his hatred of the Jewish people made him malicious and this hatred must be battled. But this doesn’t mean that there was not also lying dormant some Goodness in Hitler. A wicked man can be tomorrow a good man, said the Dalai Lama. For this we have to fight.

犹太人对任何敢为希特勒说半句辩解话的人一向是乱棍打死,为什莫对达赖这莫宽容?这, 得多多感谢好莱坞梦幻工厂打造的那个虚幻的西藏, 一个现实中不存在的Shangri-La。

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