
主题:【原创】请不要以外行的目光指责英雄——谈崔评《集结号》 -- 票姚校尉

  • 共: 💬 114 🌺 258
You are still thinking like PLA

Typically one way, like my little cousin in PLA.( I am not saying everyone in PLA like this)

Repeat: the professor are talking about Movie, and you are talking about Soldier, that's why this post move from '影音书画' (which you think you were talking about movie to '社会现象' , (too many arguments, this post can also move to '争鸣争议' :-)

And as you know, I never said I understand PLA nor want give you a lesson or some color see see, so it's useless point that to me also it did not make your point strong.

And as you are being so easily offended and I just want let you know this is a forum not battlefield, PLA should focus on use their force attack enemy not use words attack civilian.

Hope you can understand what I mean


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