主题:【狗尾续貂原创】MaxPain大家谈 -- 量子
- 共: 💬 40 🌺 27
This paper presents striking evidence that option trading changes the prices of underlying stocks. In particular, we show that on expiration dates the closing prices of stocks with listed options cluster at option strike prices. On each expiration date, the returns of optionable stocks are altered by an average of at least 16.5 basis points, which translates into aggregate market capitalization shifts on the order of $9 billion. We provide evidence that hedge re-balancing by option market-makers and stock price manipulation by firm proprietary traders contribute to the clustering.
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🙂现时还无妨, 主要是我交易次数少 阿国 字117 2007-09-23 22:33:29
🙂【BSC】Post ER play tomorrow 量子 字2967 2007-09-19 22:06:36
🙂【BSC】09/19 10.20am 量子 字3315 2007-09-19 10:36:45
🙂大致看了这篇文章 1 量子 字401 2007-09-07 15:10:15
🙂【原创】看看AAPL十年以来OE Date的收盘价 3 量子 字2716 2007-08-25 00:13:13