主题:【旧文新贴】美国会出兵保卫台湾吗? -- 晨枫
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The LOS ANGELES class SSN specifically included ASW against Soviet submarines trying to sink the US carrier and ASUW against capital ships in the Soviet surface action group [SAG]. The LOS ANGELES class SSN was designed almost exclusively for Carrier Battlegroup escort; they were fast, quiet, and could launch Mk48 and ADCAP torpedoes, Harpoon Anti-Ship Missiles (no longer carried), and both land attack and anti-ship (no longer carried) Tomahawk cruise missiles.
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🙂这个和战术战斧两回事 szbd 字38 2007-07-13 00:14:36
🙂哎。封存了启封并不难的。 landkid 字337 2007-07-13 00:21:02
🙂能用飞机挂鱼叉和SDB为什么用战斧? szbd 字44 2007-07-13 00:28:12
🙂战术战斧有主动雷达制导吗? szbd 字0 2007-07-12 20:57:40
🙂这个不知道,没有详细资料 走着唱 字83 2007-07-12 20:59:58
😄我认为战术战斧攻击船队是一种设想,不实用 PBS 字820 2007-07-12 21:37:11
🙂小看老美的战斧了。 反舰战斧是雷达制导的。 landkid 字68 2007-07-12 23:54:55